31 Aug 2013 by Adeline Lum CM-
On 25 August 2013, more than 4000 people came to celebrate Glad Tidings’ (GT) 50th Jubilee and Dedication celebration of its expanded facility.
Dubbed as the Vision Center, the facilities include a 1200-capacity Multi-purpose Auditorium that triples as a banquet hall and sports center (eight badminton courts), three functions halls, a Garden Chapel, and a 200-capacity Prayer Tower.
“This is the day the Lord has made! Congratulations to you! We thank the Lord for the fifty years of foundation that had been laid for you,” said Rev Dr George O. Wood, General Superintendent of AOG in the United States.

The evening began with a colorful hip hop and traditional dance performance, followed by heartfelt worship. Rev Lee Young-Hoon of the Yoido Full Gospel Church sent his congratulatory message from South Korea as he wasn’t able to make it to the event personally.

“Glad Tidings PJ is one of our most outstanding and progressive churches in the country!” said Rev Ong Sek Leang, current General Superintendent of AOG in Malaysia.

What made the event especially memorable were five out of nine former senior pastors of GT were present.
Rev Stephen Cheah, the first Malaysian Senior Pastor of GT, shared how he never expected GT would grow into such a large size. Followed by Rev Dr Johnny Yeoh and Rev Bernard Ong who were respectively sixth and eight senior pastors of GT, they also expressed their awe of the Vision Center. And lastly, Sarah Yoong, wife of the late seventh Senior Pastor Rev Arthur Yoong, especially showed her gratitude unto the Lord with her courageous singing at the pulpit.

Following the speeches by respective former senior pastors, a video was shown to recount the 50 years of memories and milestones in GT. Founded by Howard Osgood – principal of the Bible College Malaysia then – GT grew from a group of young people who went to the streets to evangelize and met at the principal’s office. The group steadily grew until it reached over 2000 members in year 2002. It was also during that year, GT purchased its current Section 13 premise where today, close to 3500 people are attending.
“Only God can grow a small seed into a great tree. Only God can move mountains. There had been many challenges in these fifty years but God has helped overcome all of these,” said its Main Pastor Rev Dr Vincent Leoh.

Without any fund-raising projects and bank loans, the Lord had stirred the hearts of men to pledge sacrificially in building the Vision Center (Matt 6:8).
Matt 6:8
Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.
And today, the functional yet iconic Vision Center has bagged multiple awards, i.e. namely: 1st Prize: Colour on Buildings; Exterior, Category 2, Commendation: Interior Design, Category 9, Honorable Mention: Clean Colorbond Award, Category F, Artists in Concrete Awards Asia 2013, My Favourite ID Interior Design Award 2013, and PAM Awards for Colour on Buildings. The church also has the first hand gesture interactive television in Malaysia, and security cameras set all over the building, generously donated by its members.
“All I can say is wow! What God has done is wonderful. He has changed the lives of many and to be part of what the Lord is doing is all we can desire,” said Rev Donald McMurray, the first Senior Pastor of GT and former General Superintendent of AOG in Malaysia.

To represent the 50-year anniversary, a total of 45 runners ran from the first site of GT in Jalan Gasing all the way to the current church premise at Section 13. And like how the baton of leadership was passed down over the years, the runners also passed the torch from one person to another, until it finally reached the hands of the senior pastors of GT at Section 13.

The crowd was wild with anticipation when the runners arrived and Rev Dr Vincent took the torch to light the cauldron, symbolizing the unending fire of the Holy Spirit. After that, Rev Dr Vincent officially sealed the time capsule, representing the eternal mandate of GT unto the Lord, together with the other dignitaries of AOG and senior pastors of GT. And finally, Rev Dr Delmer Guynes, the first General Superintendent of AOG (Malaya & Singapore) completed the building dedication with a benediction.

The guests returned to the auditorium to feast on the food prepared; some of them were keener to tour the new and beautiful sections of the church. The church is looking forward to embark on future expansions, by God’s grace, and to raise up the next generation to carry on the legacy that the early missionaries has left behind.

Would you like to visit the Vision Center of GT? For more information, please refer to http://www.gladtidings.my/vision-center.htm
All the pictures are credited to Glad Tidings AOG.
I would like to congratulate you on your 50th Anniversary, and the building of the vision center.I have attended Glad tiding while I was a student at BIM during the time of Osgood, Guynes and McMurrary. Was a good friend of the late Arthur Yoong, and a good friend of Johnny Yeoh and a few others whom I'm sure still remember me. I still keep in touch with Don McMurrary here in the States. I moved to the States in 1972 to further my education and presently Senior Pastor of Praise Chapel Christian Fellowship in Southern California. I was blessed reading some of the activities you had during your celebration. May the Lord continue to bless your efforts as you press forward in faith, seeking to reach as many as you can with the Gospel of peace before He returns.
God's very best we covet for you!
Dr. Edgar W. Suriya
Hello Dr Edgar,
Thank you for your message! We also pray that God would use GT mightily. Maybe when you visit Malaysia, you can stop by in the new Vision Center.
Many blessings,