Join the Prayer to a NEW Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship in Desa Sri Hartamas!


17 May 2014 by Adeline Lum CM-


On 8th of May, six men from six different churches came as one body in Christ to pray for three months for God to raise a new Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship (FGBMF) chapter in Bangunan RLS, Desa Sri Hartamas. They pledged to meet and pray weekly for the next three months every Thursday from 1-2 PM.


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FGBMF is a fellowship group of working adults who meet and encourage each other, through sharing of testimonies over a power-up lunch. A dynamic group, you can visit FGB chapters located everywhere around the nation.

The afternoon started with Rogers Sek from DUMC leading worship, before the group started praying and encouraging each other about the exciting work of the Lord.

“I get very excited getting involved in anything of God! I love prayer and intercession, it’s a good privilege to come together and encourage each other,” quipped Steven Toh from SIB Kuala Lumpur.


From left to right: Emmanuel Leung, Steven Toh, Karlos Yan
From left to right: Emmanuel Leung, Steven Toh, Karlos Yan


Karlos Yan from Gethsamane Community Church added his words of encouragement, “Everyday, our challenge is to be in a hurry of completing task after task, forgetting why we are here on earth, which is to bring people out of darkness.”

He continued saying that when God choose us as His people, it is not about us anymore but the life of the cross. Although he had no relationship with God in the past six years, he is thankful to know the Lord through the platform of the FGB.

Sharing a megaton of encouragement, HP Lim from Grace Assembly Petaling Jaya shared how they should focused on God’s power and the Holy Sprit to open doors, in contrary with how the world valued determination and energy as the key to success. No discouraging circumstances such as bad traffic, difficult parking, or bad weather should stop their spirit to pray.


From left to right: Rogers Sek, HP Lim, Robert Tan
From left to right: Rogers Sek, HP Lim, Robert Tan


And looking upon Virgin Mary’s exemplary response to the angel, HP shared how they too should not wait for a good outcome before offering themselves to serve God. Although Mary knew about the consequences of her supernatural pregnancy out of wedlock, she was not afraid of the impending disgrace, ostracism, and punishment she would face. Yet, the Lord protected and blessed mother Mary above and beyond.

He also reminded the group of how Jesus could turn their five loaves and two fishes into food for 5000 people with 12 basketful left of loaves, “What I meant is don’t despise small beginnings. Even Jesus started off with twelve men, a rag-tag team of fishermen and tax collectors. Today, you have more than 1.2 billion people of Christian faith in this world.”

“We have Jesus Chris here, we don’t need to wait for men or perform or work hard. The power of prayer is available,” emphasized HP, telling the story of how the paralyzed man by the pool of Bethesda was instantly healed by Jesus Christ (John 5), instead of waiting for men to bring him to the healing pool.


Rogers Sek
Rogers Sek


Robert Tan from tNCC agreed by cautioning the group to not focus on performance but Jesus alone, “We need to seek God above all and faithfully pray. I see many people whose enthusiasm is running ahead of Jesus, and when nobody came, they can get discouraged.”

Karlos Yan followed by sharing a word of encouragement of how he persevered through planting a new church in Meru, Klang. For the past two years, he had only been preaching to two families. But recently, the Lord has brought an older lady who was specifically led to attend his church. Incidentally, the new house they bought is also located near the church. Indeed, God has his own perfect plan.


Men of FGB praying to the Lord
Men of FGB praying to the Lord


Emmanuel Leung from Soaring Eagle Global Missions (SEGM) shared how a house would only stand if the Lord has built the house (Psalm 127:1), “Some people have good intentions but it’s not God’s way. King Saul made many blunders because he wants to do things his way.”

“The Full Gospel Business Men’s chapter allows working people to see how God can be real in their workplace through sharing of testimonies. Many people cannot relate their working lifestyle to their spiritual belief. But when they hear what other businessmen did, their Christian faith becomes relevant,” Emmanuel added.

An upcoming vibrant Full Gospel Businessmen Fellowship in Desa Sri Hartamas, join and fellowship with them in prayer in birthing a new FGB at Bangunan RLS, every THURSDAY from 1-2 PM, at 5 Jalan 22/70A, Desa Sri Hartamas, 50480 Kuala Lumpur.



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