9 July 2014-
KVBC Next Gen Conference is an equipping conference for leaders in youth or children’s ministry. We are partnering with the Katoomba Christian Convention (KCC) in Sydney who have been having Next Gen Conferences in Sydney for 25 years. This will be the very first time we are having Next Gen Conference in Malaysia!
Who should go:
The conference is really tailored for leaders in youth and children’s ministry. While there is no age limit, those who attend should be in ministry or at least leading a group of children, youth or even young adults.

What its like:
The conference is made up of bible talks, strand groups (or training groups) and workshops. The strand groups are the heart of the conference, where leaders are trained by an experienced member who have led next gen before. At the workshops, the leaders will learn skills in Christian ministry, for example the character of a leader as well as one-to-one ministry. Bible talks are focused on a particular book of the bible. And for this year, it is Ephesians.
Training or strand groups are built year on year, with each year having a different focus. This year, we are starting with Strand One (Biblical exegesis), followed by Strand Two (Biblical Theology), and Strand Three (Systematic Theology). Once completing all three years, a delegate will ‘graduate’ from Next Gen.
Background of speakers:
There will be one main plenary speaker, Andrew Hong – a pastor from North Side Church in Sydney as well as a committee member at Next Gen Sydney. Tan Kay Hoe and Andrew Cheah are the two workshop speakers. Tan Kay Hoe is also the chairman at KVBC Trust, which runs conferences in the Klang Valley, Ipoh and Penang. Andrew Cheah is the Sub-Dean at St Mary’s Cathedral KL.
More info for the speakers are found at: http://www.kvbc.info/NextGen.html
How much, where and when?
The conference is a stay-in at Seminari Theoloji Malaysia (STM), from 13-15 July 2014. The fees are RM180.
Registration at http://www.kvbc.info/NextGen.html
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