Join the 6th Annual Connexion Conference


6 July 2013 by Natasha Kim CM-


Connexion is a student-driven movement that unites students from all colleges and universities to get connected to God and with each other. 


Connexion Logo

The sixth annual Connexion Conference is fast approaching!

Date: July 12th – 14th

Venue: First Baptist Church Subang 

38, Jalan SS17/1D, Subang Jaya, 47500)

Cost: FREE


Who’s invited?

Students from Malaysia and all over the world! 


Have Questions? 


Come and be a part of this movement that aims to connect people to God!

If you are one of the first 100 people to register, you will receive a voucher to receive a free milkshake from the Milkshake Factory.  Bring your voucher with you to the conference to receive your milkshake!


To register please visit


See You There!


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