Jesus Was With Me in My Time of Need – Isaac Suthay, Miraculously Delivered from a Coma

Isaac (far right) with his wife Rita (far left) and their pastor's wife and daughter (both pastors as well).


If you came across Isaac Suthay and his wife Rita Cross on the street, you would get the pleasure of conversing with a gentle, humble, and loving couple with quiet lives. Behind the simple lives, however, there is a miraculous story of healing, and not just healing, but also of God’s faithfulness. Isaac’s testimony dates back to 2017, but it still shapes his and Rita’s gratefulness to Christ to this day.

‘This incident happened to me in April 2017,’ Isaac related. ‘It started with a very high fever. At first, I did not think much about it, thinking it was just a fever, but it went on for 2 days.’


Isaac and Rita in their younger days


When the fever did not abate, Isaac finally went to the nearby clinic for a check-up. Little did he know that this seemingly routine visit would take him on an unexpected journey. It would take him near death but also bring him directly under the caring and healing presence of Christ.

The doctor at the clinic realised that Isaac’s fever was not a routine one. Isaac was referred to a hospital on 14th April 2017, where they did a blood test and found that he had Dengue. 

‘They treated me for three days, but my fever did not come down. [At this time, Isaac’s dengue fever had already raged for 5 days.] They also found my platelets to be very low.’


At the clinic, Isaac was discovered to have dengue.


On 16th April 2017, Isaac’s condition worsened, and the hospital finally sent him to the ICU. The doctors called Rita in the early morning of 19th April 2017 and informed her that Isaac’s condition had gone very critical. Isaac’s lungs, liver, and kidney were all breaking down and not functioning well. The doctors told Rita that they would have to do dialysis on Isaac. This dialysis was to take a total of 16 hours, separated into multiple sessions of 4 hours each. 

‘Isaac’s condition was so severe that they even had to put him into the life support machine,’ Rita related. ‘Realising how critical the situation was, I called all my family members and a close family friend of ours, Sis Delight Low from Klang [Delight came from Grace Klang, the Suthays attends Grace Shah Alam], whom we have known during a visit to Kerala, to come to the hospital and Isaac’s ward, in case the doctors needed us to be close by, and to pray for Isaac .’  


Rita and Isaac with Delight. Delight would play a prominent role in this incident of Isaac’s life.


At this critical juncture, Christ would show Himself to be nearby and that He was watching over Isaac’s life. The dialysis was supposed to take 16 hours. After the first 4 hours, however, the four doctors in attendance were surprised to find that Isaac was responding very well. They continued with another session of 4 hours for precautionary reasons. After the second session, Isaac was found to be in stable condition. All in all, the dialysis that should have taken 16 hours took only 8 hours in total. 

Isaac was in the ICU for 8 days. Out of those eight days, he was in a coma for two days. After the eighth day, he recovered enough to be transferred to an ordinary ward. This was the first sign that God was watching over Isaac. But there was another remarkable incident.

‘When I woke up from my coma, the first face I saw was that of a radiant woman. She was sitting on the bed by my side. The radiance was such that it was as if direct sunlight was shining on her. She smiled at me and said, “Wake up, Isaac.” After a while, I recognised her as sis Delight Low, our close friend.’

Delight had been praying intensely for Isaac during his coma as Rita and the family had to be in the conference room in discussion and consultation with the doctors regarding Isaac’s case. 

‘A few months later, from her testimony, I learned that the Holy Spirit had spoken and prompted her to come to my ward, pray for me, and wake me up. The moment after she prayed for me, I woke from my coma,’ Isaac shared. 


Throughout the whole time when Isaac was in the ICU, God had been watching over him


‘My recovery from my coma and the life-threatening situation was so smooth and quick that it amazed the doctors. The doctors told me that they were surprised by how quick I was brought out of that situation, and even though they were not Christians, they said to me, “Your Jesus is the One who healed you.” From what could be a life-threatening situation, God had turned the whole thing around so that it would be a testimony to His glory. 

‘All my pastors, relatives, and friends told me that God had given me a second life. I always remember that God blesses us (Isaac and Rita) every day of our lives. Some are tangible, such as a holiday or a new car. But many other blessings are not so tangible, and as humans, we often forget to thank God for those. Such blessings include the people God brings into our life, our relationship with Him, peace, His providence that we have enough to eat every day, and the very breath and health many of us take for granted every day.’


Isaac (far left) with some church friends


Isaac and Rita don’t go out much but faithfully attend their church services, even those held at night, despite living alone and being at an age where eyesight can be a problem after sundown. ‘Through this experience, we know God is close beside us daily. He has shown so clearly that each of us matters individually very much to Him.’


Isaac and Rita. The incident in this testimony dates back to 2017, but it still shapes the couple’s gratefulness to Christ to this day.


‘I would like to thank all those who prayed for me and praise and thank God for all the goodness He had shown towards me,’ Isaac expressed. ‘All glory to God. Amen.’ 


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