It Is “Not” Finished!!



One of the last few words uttered by Jesus on the cross was “It is finished”. We see this is in John 19:30. The Greek word for this is “tetelestai” which means it has been paid in full. This is regarding the debt owed for our sins that have been settled with nothing outstanding.


Ref: squarespace


So why then, do you think we have titled this article…”It is not finished”? Well, the calling and ministry of Jesus on earth was to die for our sins. That was completed when He took His last breath. But….what about us? What is our calling here on earth? What are we called to do? That is not finished..!!

Over the next few minutes, as we open up Scriptures, we pray that this will become clearer. Let’s take a walk through the 4 Gospels and see what was emphasized, immediately after Jesus’s resurrection. We will see that one of the common words used was the word GO. It was not used as a suggestion or a thought but as a direct command from God. A command is not a suggestion or one with an option. It is expressed as something with urgency. We will see as we journey through the gospels. That never once, did Jesus ever tell them to stay where they were or to sit still. It was always to GO. To GO means to step out of our comfort zone or where we are now and step into another realm. God’s plan for us is not to stay where everything is predictable but to step out and explore new possibilities.




In Matthew 28:7, when the women came to the tomb and were met by the angel the words of the angel were. “GO quickly and tell the disciples that he has risen from the dead and has gone ahead of you into Galilee.” When the same women see Jesus, again we see the same words used in Matthew 28:10 which reads “Do not be afraid, GO and tell my brothers to go to Galilee. There they will see me.” What did the guards do after seeing the tomb empty? Well, Matthew 28:11 says that “Some of the guards went (meaning to GO) into the city and reported to the Chief Priest everything that had happened. The resurrected Jesus now meets the disciples face to face and we know this as the Great Commission seen in Matthew 28:19. “GO and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Does Mark share the same sentiments? Well, Mark 16:7 says, “GO and tell his disciples and Peter” Mark 16:13 describes what was done by the women, “They returned (meaning to GO) and reported it to the rest. Mark 16:15 says that Jesus told the disciples to, “GO into all the world and preach the gospel to all creations.”

Luke in his version of 24:9 says,” When they came back from the tomb (meaning to GO) they told all this to the disciples and the others. John 20:2 says, “They came running (to GO in a hurry) to Simon Peter and the other disciples.” The act of running clearly shows us urgency. We only run when it is important and we need to get to a destination fast. The women did not want to waste time sitting near the tomb chatting and comparing notes. In John 20:17, Jesus tells them, “Do not hold on to me for I have not yet ascended to the Father. GO instead to my brothers and tell them.”


Ref: squarespace


This word “GO” seems to be repeated by all 4 gospel writers. There is a constant reminder to not stay where they are and enjoy the moment but to GO out and share this news with everyone. Knowing that this word is so important, as we thought about it, we began to think of all the acronyms associated with GO that summarize what exactly God wants us to do. Perhaps you could think of some too, but let’s just get the ball rolling.

….and to be a little blunt…..GET OUT..!!




So if it is technically “not finished”, then what are we called to do. Well, it is the Great Commission. We are called to speak of Jesus. His life, death, and resurrection to every nation, tribe, and tongue. Acts 1:8 reminds us that we are to be “His witnesses in Jerusalem (our hometown), Judea (our homeland), Samaria (neighboring country) and to the ends of the earth (the whole world). There is still so much work to be done because billions of people have yet to hear about Jesus. It is our job to make Him known that others may have eternal life. What is eternal life: Well, Jesus Himself defined it in John 17:3, “And this is eternal life, that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.

Why do we say billions? Well, let’s just give you an idea of what we mean. Christianity in Afghanistan stands at 0.1% and in Bangladesh, it is a mere 0.4%. In the Maldives, it is only 0.08% and in Somalia even lower at 0.01%. The beautiful land of Nepal only has 0.9% of Christians. Bhutan and Cambodia on the other hand are only 1%. These are not people who had resisted the gospel, it is just that no one has ever been to some of these areas and shared Jesus with them.

To say it is not finished is to mean that there is so much more evangelism and mission work to be done all over the world, that when Jesus comes again, every nation, tribe, and tongue may bow down and worship Him. Let us, this Resurrection Sunday, focus less on our celebrations and more on bringing the gospel to the unreached areas in the world.




As full-time missionaries ourselves for the past 13 years, we can say from experience, billions still needs to know Jesus. The harvest is great but the laborers are few……It Is Not Finished!!


About the Ryans: Ps. Justin Ryan & his wife Ps. Jacquie are the founders of One Voice Ministries, established in 2008. It is a missions and training ministry focused on reaching the 10/40 Window. To date they have ministered in 9 nations, teaching and training pastors and leaders as well as evangelising many of the unreached peoples groups. Here in Malaysia, One Voice has an established work with the Orang Asli.

In 2013, the Lord has led them to found Issachar Academy where they provide training specifically for missions in a hospitable environment. Through the academy, the Ryans also help Christians recognise and move in their seasons with God.For more details please visit them at


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