Investing in People

Robert Lim sharing
Robert Lim sharing

18 Feb 2015 by Kim Yung CM-


Robert Lim, Full Gospel Businessman (FGB) President of PJ section 8 Chapter as well as CEO and Founder of an advertising firm, recently preached at FGB Summit on the 28th of January 2015. “Nobody is fully equipped but the Lord can use anybody,” he shared.


So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. (Romans 10:17)


In order to perform well, every Christian needs to invest in the following:-



“In any ministry we have to invest our time. Time is the greatest gift and can’t be bought,” shared Robert.


Ref: meetville
Ref: meetville



He added, “God wants us to put our hands on the plough and press forward for the glory of His kingdom, using our talents.”



“We all know that without money, things cannot move,” shared Robert. With your treasures, you will be able to sow more seeds in the land by being a good example in Christ who works diligently for the Lord.


Ref: actionco
Ref: actionco


How can man get more involved?

People nowadays are fully occupied with a variety of things, namely work, family, chores, and the list goes on. But we can get involved by firstly getting more in tune with the Scripture in the Bible. “Sometimes, people simply need something to kick-start themselves to arouse their interest towards the Living Word of God,” shared Robert. In this case, Robert thoroughly recommended a book entitled “Man in the Mirror.” He added that it is not just a book but a ministry.


But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. (Matthew 6:33)


Ref: cargocollective
Ref: cargocollective


What did Jesus do that impact the world? Jesus conveyed the truth and He was involved with people. When He travelled from Judea to the region of Galilee, He did not need to pass through Samaria but He did. In fact, the Bible indicates that “He needed to go through Samaria.” Samaria consisted of a group of people who were a mix of two nationalities. The Jewish people frowned on such crossovers. They looked down on the Samaritans. They believed in a purebred pedigree.

Jesus did not avoid the Samaritans. He walked among them. He did not simply stay around religious people but ensured that he went out to the world and made an impact with everyone who was in His path. We should be off of our seat, onto our feet and into the street. He impacted a city by influencing one person.


Ref: pinimg
Ref: pinimg


Now numerous Samaritans from that town believed in and trusted in Him because of what the woman said when she declared and testified, He told me everything that I ever did. (John 4:39)


The best investment you can make in life is to invest in people. The highlight of discussions these days among business people is investing in the stock market where they debate on the best stock to invest. Nevertheless, the best investment we can make is to invest in people. Jesus did this by giving His time, His energy, His love, and His support to people. We can impact our city by ministering to people and sharing our testimonies. Jesus offered love, support, truth, and ministry to a lady who was hurting and many others. Jesus gave her the hope of eternal life and we can give others the same hope that was given to us by Jesus Christ.


Robert Lim
Robert Lim


Doctors, dentists, teachers, and professional people are those who have the privilege of being involved with literally hundreds of people each week. You might believe that you do not have that opportunity to make a difference but you do! You can make a difference in small ways that in return may turn into the biggest investment in your life.

  • Begin with your family
  • Get to know your neighbours
  • Get involved with your Sunday school class or join a ministry
  • Get involved in your workplace
  • Talk to your waiter or a salesperson
  • Join volunteering activities or help the community in small ways
  • Give away fresh fruits to your neighbours


And though you started with little, you will end with much. (Job 8:7)


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