The first-ever INC (International Network of Churches) Conference is coming to Malaysia!
Hosted by BethanyLIFE, in Klang, the conference will take place from 25 October, 2016 until 27 October, 2016.
International Network of Churches (INC), formerlly known as Christian Outreach Centre (COC), is a movement that strongly believes in serving God and serving people through leadership, raising leaders throughout the nations to influence our world for Christ.
The INC Conference (Malaysia 2016) will welcome Ps. Ashley Schmierer, Ps. Geoff Woodward and Ps. Jonathan Vickers as guest speakers.
The speakers are men who are impacting whole communities and nations for God. Come listen to their stories, feel their passion for the Kingdom, engage with them in discussions.
The theme for the inaugural INC Conference in Malaysia is “Building the Kingdom of God.”
What an exciting theme this is! The Kingdom of God was what John the Baptist heralded was coming (Matt. 3:2) and what Jesus brought with Him when He came (Matt. 9:35).
Jesus then commissioned His disciples to go and announce the Kingdom of God (Matt. 10:5-7).
Then He gave the church, the keys of the Kingdom of God, appointing us to become the agents of transformation in building and establishing the Kingdom (Matt. 16:18-19).
“The church isn’t merely waiting around to be rescued! We are here to enforce Christ’s victory in our communities, our cities, our nation and our world! This is the call to live above circumstances,” Ps. Stephen Mohan, Lead Pastor of BethanyLIFE says.
“It is the call to undo the natural with the supernatural resources available to us. It is the call to live beyond our abilities so that the impossible and the miraculous now become our new normal!”
So, don’t miss out on this conference. Let God get a hold of you and enlist you in BUILDING THE KINGDOM OF GOD!
Registration fee for INC Conference (Malaysia 2016) is going at RM60 only, which will include coffee and lunches.
Please head over to http://bethanylife.com/incconf2016 for more information about the conference, it’s speakers and also to register online.
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