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We have just begun yet another new year… Are you excited? I know I am. I am filled with anticipation for where God will lead me to this year – and maybe you are too.

Many of us would have made resolutions, feeling hopeful and perhaps even a little eager for a fresh start.




Some of you may be longing for a new beginning. Perhaps you were plagued by failures, losses, disappointments or grief, and you are desperate for a new year of changes and breakthroughs after barely surviving a difficult 2017.

BUT… for many, despite the “new” year, we are still haunted by old disappointments, wounds, setbacks, heartaches, grief, failures and losses.


The reality is this: our circumstances do not change overnight simply because we flipped over the page of our calendar.


So the question is, how do we cope?

What do we do when our circumstance remains the same, as we step into 2018?  




How do we push forward into this year even when we are off to a rocky start or feel stuck in a seemingly same situation?


What do you do when you start the new year still very much living your old life?


Often, when our circumstances seem out of our control, we just ride it out. Yet, this new year, there is ONE thing we can do to turn our life around, even when things remain the same.


We can change the condition of our minds – almost as instantly as the start of a new day in the new year!



Here’s how we recondition our minds:


We can choose to look at our circumstance differently so that we handle the lack of change differently. Ask God for HIS perspective.

We can choose to give it ALL to Jesus. Lay every bitter hurt, disappointment, grief and setback at His feet and then, ask Him to steer us on a new course.

We can choose to bring to life 2 Corinthians 10:5 and “demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”

We can choose to have confidence in the character of our Father who is good and full of love and promises to “never leave nor forsake us” (Deuteronomy 31:8).

We can choose to wait on God because we have faith that our lives are in His capable hands, even when nothing seems to change or move. We can choose to live each day rooted in Hebrews 11:1, which says, “Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”

We can choose to ask the Holy Spirit to teach us how to embrace Romans 12:2: Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is–his good, pleasing and perfect will.


Renewing and reconditioning our minds is a choice; it’s in OUR hands!


We have the choice to use God’s Word to change our circumstance this new year, even as we live our “old” life.




You see, the Word of God is “alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires” (Hebrews 4:12).

And when we make God’s Word our resolution for the New Year, it doesn’t matter how stuck we feel or how unchanging our circumstances may be.


God’s Word will renew our minds and teach us to handle our situation differently.


God’s Word is not merely a theory; it is our powerful Weapon of warfare that will teach us how to push through into this new year as a new creation wearing a new life!




Make this your new resolution or add it on to your existing one:

Ask God to lead you to one verse in the Bible and make it your resolution this year to live out and practice that verse in every area of your life. 


Suzane Avadiar is a writer, blogger and avid traveller. Over the last 17 years, she has written extensively for various publications in the global marketplace. Writing is not only her passion but also her instrument of worship. She has a deep desire to reveal the Father’s heart through her writings, so that every reader steps into their God-given identity. Suzane also writes daily devotions on social media for her church, Destiny C3 Subang. She recently completed her first book, Sent To Journey – Devotions for the Traveller, and is pursuing publishing opportunities. She can be reached through her blog at or on her Facebook page.



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Suzanne Avadiar

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