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“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you” – Matthew 6:33.


I recently chose to take a leap of faith. I had to make a choice between the financial boosts that one job presented and walking down another path that paid less. I chose the latter.

Why? Because I knew that was the path God paved for me. I knew that was the door that God held open for me. In fact, I was certain that He was on the other side, beckoning me to walk closer towards Him. I heard Him whisper and so I did. I chose to walk towards Him, albeit tentatively…


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Now I’m on the other side of that door and I feel as if I’m living on the edge, and the honest truth? It actually feels great.


I can’t explain the adrenaline I feel on most days because I’m actually living out my faith. I am “walking by faith and not by sight” – 2 Corinthians 5:7.  


The truth is, I couldn’t even if I wanted to because I can’t see what lies ahead!


“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” – Hebrews 11:1.


I may not know what’s ahead but my deep conviction is that my Father is already there and that every place that God guides us to, He provides. My faith is in Him so on most days, I love living on the edge!


On most days…


On other days, I become in touch with my humanity; the nerves kick in and I start chewing on my nails again. My mind wanders and I hear the nagging whispers of lies… Lies that try and convince me that I’m in this alone… and that I’ve chosen wrong…


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Then, I begin to question if I heard God right in the first place…did I really hear Him?

Did God really say…?” Sounds familiar?

Different century… same tactic. The enemy is not very creative – he always plants lies and causes doubt.

On those days, I retreat. Not on my decision to live by faith but my steps…


I retreat back into my secret place and sit in the quiet with my Father, nestled between His love and His Word…


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Always go back to God’s relentless love and eternal Word. Therein lies LIFE and in it is all the assurance we need.


God’s unfailing Word is what I need any time I question whether I heard His voice because God’s voice will never contradict His Word.


To be certain that we are hearing God’s voice, we need a devotion to God’s Word.


“Faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ” – Romans 10:17.


You see, God’s Word says to Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go” – Joshua 1:9.


God’s Word promises me “He goes before me and makes the crooked path straight” – Isaiah 45:2.


God’s Word is my blessed assurance in this life and beyond. So on those days when my faith falters, I stand firm on God’s Word.


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I stand in gratitude. I am thankful that God’s Word always produces fruit and feeds my soul. I am thankful that unlike the world, God is faithful to keep His Word.

I am thankful that He desires me to have an abundant life through Jesus and that His plans for me are to prosper with a hope and a future. I am thankful Jesus IS the Word and His desire is to give my life purpose through a closer communion with Him.

I am thankful that God’s Word is the bread of life that feeds my faith. I am thankful that when His Word is planted in me, it WILL take root so I too can sow the seeds of His Word in the world.

I am thankful that I can be God’s voice and speak His Word to take root in others. I am thankful that through Jesus, I am blessed to be a blessing!

Finally, I am thankful that when I declare my gratitude to my Saviour, His gift of faith flourishes in me – it is not my own doing but His gift! (Ephesians 2:8)


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And I find myself joyful once again, living on the edge and by faith! It truly feels like the best way to live my best life!


Suzane Avadiar is a writer, blogger and avid traveller. Over the last 17 years, she has written extensively for various publications in the global marketplace. Writing is not only her passion but also her instrument of worship. She has a deep desire to reveal the Father’s heart through her writings, so that every reader steps into their God-given identity. Suzane also writes daily devotions on social media for her church, Destiny C3 Subang. She recently completed her first book, Sent To Journey – Devotions for the Traveller, and is pursuing publishing opportunities. She can be reached through her blog at or on her Facebook page.



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Suzane Avadiar