Improving Individual and Team Dynamics in Churches and Ministries with Personality Identification – By CROWN

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CROWN is a nondenominational Christian Organization that was formed in year 2000 in the United States. It has developed several personality tests in the area of finances, work, marriage, and life, so that real life transformation happens.

Many tests have been developed but few have given such comprehensive insights of individual team members, partners, and a team, not to mention accurate interpretation of results by trained Personality Identification (PID) consultants.

“The vision of CROWN is to share truth from the Scripture, so that we can deliver hope and real transformation. And we believe that real transformation only happens when we are equipped to live by God’s design,” said Tan Yoke Tee, representative of the CROWN in Malaysia.


Students learning to be PID consultants
Students learning to be PID consultants


Although PID has been developed based on the DISC model, it is not exactly the DISC model. Instead of categorizing people into absolute types as in the traditional model, PID allows people’s personality to be plotted on a continuum of varying degrees. Because of that, a total of 17 different personality types are identified, whereby understanding the personality type of every person would have an enormous impact to not only the individual but the whole team.

“Think about it, the people we know, there is a group of people who do things faster, while another group takes time to deliberate, consider, and research before making a decision.

“The other thing is priority – it’s either task or people. For task-type, they talk about getting the job done and fulfilling the responsibility. For people-type, they talk about compassion and being sensitive,” explained Terence Jiam, Master Trainer of Personality Identification (PID), whose work is to train PID consultants.


Terence Jiam, Master Trainer of Personality Identification (PID)
Terence Jiam, Master Trainer of Personality Identification (PID)


The test is designed in such a flexible way that a church or ministry can do an individual report, a comparison report with another individual, and a team report. There is no better or worse personality types, but each would have their own strengths and struggles. The goal of doing the test is to place the right people in the right position, by what God has already designed them to do.

“After doing the test, you discover your design and role in the team because each person responds to people, situations, and circumstances according to who they really are.

“Why are some people naturally cautious while others love adventure? Why are some people attracted to groups and crowds while others shy away from people? Why some people are warm and friendly while others are blunt and seemingly cold?

“The answer lies at the root of a person’s design, namely their personality. The way we see the world and respond to the world is because of our personality,” said Terence.


PID students in deep discussion
PID students in deep discussion


Indeed, team dynamics can make or break a team. But what holds a team together in all seasons, according to Terence, is the formation of a strong foundation of trust. And it’s only through this basic trust that every team member feels safe to go through and settle conflicts, healthily and effectively. And true commitment comes only after a healthy and effective conflict.


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Ref: pinimg


One of the common ways to build trust is to spend significant time together, so that individuals can know each other better. Nevertheless, the problem many churches and ministries have is that they do not have enough time to build relationships with one another. PID can quickly assess a team member individually and also a team as a whole. This objective and verifiable PID can be used to quickly understand the working styles of each individual.


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Ref: fbcoversz


“We want the churches to take ownership of this program and we are constantly networking with churches to start these programs,” said Yoke Tee.

In fact, marriage counsellors in church can adopt the Personality Identification (PID) test for their married couples as well. The answers are the same for ministry, but they are contextualized for a marriage setting.

DISC is a great tool to predict behavior, which facilitates a more effective and enjoyable working relationship. For example, in DISC, a person with a high “D” or a high score on dominance is expected to command in a quick, brief, and concise manner. As for someone with a high “I” or a high score on influence, he or she is expected to spend more time in meeting people, so that snap decision can be made while engaging with people.

Unfortunately, many of us do not fully understand why we think, interact, and react they way they do. Because of that, we often try to become like someone, which results in frustration, despair, anger, and depression.

Hence, churches and ministries can use Personality Identification (PID), to accurately understand God’s design for each individual, so that he or she can be nurtured and discipled in their sweet spot.


Ref: keystonecommunitychurch
Ref: keystonecommunitychurch


If you are interested to find out more about Personality Identification (PID), please contact Tan Yoke Tee at or +603-7731-8044. You can also visit their facebook here, at Crown Asia.

You can sign up for the next seminar here:


Note: Crown Financial Ministries or CROWN is a nondenominational Christian organization that was formed in 2000 by a merger of Larry Burkett’s Christian Financial Concepts and Howard Dayton’s Crown Ministries, which was founded respectively on 1976 and 1985.

The Personality Identification (PID) test has been developed further, based on the DISC model that was first introduced on 1928 by Dr William Mouton Marston, a physiological psychologist. The model was only built into an assessment 12 years later by industrial psychologist Walter Clarke. Adopted by even NASA later, engineer Larry Burkett took the test and brought it to the public, eventually adopting into CROWN as the PID.


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Written by Adeline Lum 

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