I will be seeing my parents in Heaven — Pr Thian Oon Kim

Pr Thian Oon Kim
Pr Thian Oon Kim

17 Dec 2014 by Adeline Lum CM-


“I don’t know whether you can say… if you are aspiring here to go up to Heaven, are you able to see your parents and give them a hug and say thank you?” asked 78-year-old Pr Thian Oon Kim, speaker of the Full Gospel Men’s Fellowship (FGBMF) in Menara TA One chapter, Kuala Lumpur on 5th of December. 

He dedicated his speech to his late parents. As an elderly now, his biggest satisfaction comes from knowing that he will be seeing his parents in Heaven soon.

His father—an entrepreneur with a heart of steel from China—single-handedly started a labor business with only ‘a singlet and a pair of pants.’ Together with his mother, they brought up nine children with food, shelter, and education. 

But one day, his father fell sick. Admitted into Mount Elizabeth hospital in Singapore, the family was told that he might not survive till daybreak.

Heartbroken Thian retreated to his room and cried out to the Lord. He prayed for more time for his father to return home in Johor Bahru to die. The Lord was merciful. His father returned home, a pastor came to minister, and his father accepted Christ!


Ref: christiansinpakistan
Ref: christiansinpakistan


On that very night, the family made a bonfire in their home garden to burn all the religious articles of another faith, from the incense to the altar. As the fire crackled, they saw a halo over their house. 

“I believe this is a confirmation that Jesus is very glad!” said Pr Thian.

Her mother also recalled how his father had strange visions of people passing by the main door of the house. They were looking into the house, with a few carrying steel chains in their hands. But somehow, they could enter into the house and disappeared.

“We believe those people are from hell, coming to chain my father to take him to hell. But they could not do so,” said Pr Thian.

In the book of Exodus Chapter 12, the Israelites struck the blood of lamb on the two side posts and on the upper doorpost of their houses. Because of the blood, the angel of death passed them.

“So, we believe when my father accepted the Lord, our house doorpost and its sides were already covered with the blood of Jesus. I praise the Lord that he accepted the Lord at the nick of time,” said Pr Thian.


Ref: trinitypastor
Ref: trinitypastor


Pr Thian had been praying for his father’s salvation since his school days. He recalled breaking down before God during his college days, earnestly praying for his father’s salvation.

“All this while, although God never uttered a Word, He listened to my prayer. Our God is not a deaf God. He answers our prayer,” said Pr Thian.

Besides his father, Pr Thian is confident in meeting his mother in Heaven as well. Despite her vigor in taking care of the family of nine, her body became increasingly frail as she aged. Pr Thian and his siblings had to send her to the nursing home.

One day, while looking out of the window, her mother suddenly pointed out to Pr Thian a picture of paradise in Heaven. She saw a green field with a river flowing down the valley, accompanied with a blue sky. But all Pr Thian saw outside her window was an ordinary lounge.

“I believe God was revealing to my mother where she is going to stay. There is no way that she can cook out the story in a place she had never been anywhere in her life. But as Christians, we know those are a picture of paradise,” said Pr Thian. 


Ref: wallpapersdesign
Ref: wallpapersdesign


He urged the attendees to pray for their parents’ salvation.

“I know that we are not able to and we are not strong. But I am sure that our prayers are very strong. Have you been praying for your father or mother?” said Pr Thian.

Do not give up. Keep praying for your parents. Our God is a prayer-answering God!


The attendees of the FGB at Menara TA One Chapter
The attendees of the FGB at Menara TA One Chapter

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