25 Jan 2012 by Timothy Tai CM-
Can Jesus still heal and perform miracles today? Well, why don’t you check out this Malaysian woman’s testimony and judge for yourself?
In 2010, Lyn Lim Geok Hean was diagnosed with bilateral breast cancer (i.e. cancer in both breasts) which she fought head on by seeking immediate medical treatment. It was only after she went through aggressive chemotherapy that the doctors were able to force her cancer into remission and the battle seemed to have been won.

Then in March 2012, Lyn’s life was rocked with bad news once again when her oncologist told her that her cancer had returned and she now had Stage 4 bone cancer. The results of a PET scan revealed that there were now tumors all over her neck, spine, rib cage and pelvic bones. Imagine her despair when her oncologist admitted that he couldn’t determine how many tumors she had because there were simply too many to count! Lyn’s doctor went on to tell her that she didn’t have much time to live and that her cancer was incurable as it was in the final stage.
However, as Lyn discovered for herself, what is impossible with men is more than possible with God. Watch her incredible but true testimony of how Jesus performed a modern-day miracle in her life:
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Dear Sister Lyn,
Thank you fo sharing this wonderful testimony with us, Praise The Lord, He has healed you and u're glorifying Him with your wonderful testimony
wonderful,thats the power of faith…..n now u r sharing it with the rest of the world!!!!!!!!glory to the lord jesus christ…..amen!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jesus is not from the past but He was yesterday Today and always!