Hope springs eternal as 2022 begins

Hope is found in the person of Jesus, who says: "The world is dark and you will have problems. But be of good cheer. I have overcome the world." Photo by Iswanto Arif on Unsplash.

Listen to the wonderful words of the great Nobel Prize winning writer, Rabindranath Tagore: “Hope is the bird that sings when the dawn is still dark.” 

And God knows that it’s been a time of darkness for many of us in many different ways this past year.

So how do we deal with that darkness going into a new year


Futile efforts

The problem seems to be that when we try and deal with the darkness, whether it’s the suffering or the uncertainty or the anxieties of the coming year, we look inside ourselves and we look to the world around us.

We’re struggling to bring about the fulfilment of the hope that we all have for a better future. 

We put our hopes in ourselves, in our own efforts, or we put our hopes in some way that we have come up with to improve the world around us or to improve our lives.

We’re trying to make ourselves better. We educate ourselves. We use technology. We try and build up our resources to try and build up our quality of life.

And yet we seem to stumble from New Year’s resolution to New Year’s resolution, from Christmas to Christmas, from New Year to New Year, struggling to find a solution to bring about the fulfilment of the hope that we all have for a better future. 


Sing to the dawn

Maybe it’s because we spend too much time looking inwards and outwards and not enough time looking upwards, because for hope to be realised, we need something hope-worthy in which to put our hope.

Hoping for a better future with nothing to put our hope in to deliver that future is a complete waste of time.

Why does the bird sing in Tagore’s poem?


This is an article from the Christian website, Salt&Light. The full article can be found by clicking on the link below:  

Hope springs eternal as 2022 begins


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