Heavenly Devotion: Psalm 84 – The Affection and Desire Towards God’s Ordinances

Psalm 84 – The Affection and Desire Towards God’s Ordinances.

(by Eugene Woon)

It can be considered as “the Psalms of Peace.” The sons of Korah were Levites, served in temple worship and notable in Israel for praising God. (Num 26:9-11).

Psalms 84 encourages God’s people to celebrate in worship, fellowship and service. It points to Jesus Christ, in a real sense, the temple of God, the dwelling place of the living God. God’s ordinances are for His people to enjoy His presence. Even the sparrow and swallow, find happiness in the house of God. It was lovely and desired by the psalmist, where he met God.

True happiness is in the strength and grace of Jesus Christ. The pilgrims may have to pass through the Valley of Baka, the valley of weeping and a thirsty desert; but was transformed into a spring, complete with rain and pools of water.

In times of chaos, it can lead to blessing, however, we are to rely on God’s strength in our weaknesses. It is painful because of loss and grief. Jesus promised His disciples that in this world, we would have trouble (John 16:33). Therefore, God is not ashamed to be called their God, for He has prepared a city for them (Heb. 11:15–16). Henceforth, we shall press-on toward our true heavenly home, with our hearts set on pilgrimage.

Those who look to Christ, the Anointed One, must look to Him with faith. The psalmist pleads love to God’s ordinances, for the account of one day in God’s courts is better than a thousand spent elsewhere. We maybe in darkness, but He shall be a Sun to enlighten us, to guide and direct us. When in danger, He shall be our Shield to quench the fiery darts of the wicked one. He promised to give grace and glory to all, who seek His appointed way. Therefore, let us walk uprightly by faith and trust in Him. For blessed is a man who trusts in the Lord of hosts, the God of Jacob.


Let’s Read Psalm 84

For the director of music. According to gittith. Of the Sons of Korah. A psalm.

How lovely is your dwelling place,
    Lord Almighty!
My soul yearns, even faints,
    for the courts of the Lord;
my heart and my flesh cry out
    for the living God.
Even the sparrow has found a home,
    and the swallow a nest for herself,
    where she may have her young—
a place near your altar,
    Lord Almighty, my King and my God.
Blessed are those who dwell in your house;
    they are ever praising you.

Blessed are those whose strength is in you,
    whose hearts are set on pilgrimage.
As they pass through the Valley of Baka,
    they make it a place of springs;
    the autumn rains also cover it with pools.
They go from strength to strength,
    till each appears before God in Zion.

Hear my prayer, Lord God Almighty;
    listen to me, God of Jacob.
Look on our shield, O God;
    look with favor on your anointed one.

10 Better is one day in your courts
    than a thousand elsewhere;
I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God
    than dwell in the tents of the wicked.
11 For the Lord God is a sun and shield;
    the Lord bestows favor and honor;
no good thing does he withhold
    from those whose walk is blameless.

12 Lord Almighty,
    blessed is the one who trusts in you.


Let’s Pray

Heavenly Father, teach us to seek Your dwelling place in Christ Jesus, and to behold the beauty of Your Sanctuary. Let our soul faint to see Your heavenly places. Anoint us with the joy of Your presence. Even Your altar is home to the sparrow and swallow, let it be our home as well.

Let us sing Your praises with a song in our hearts. Give us strength that we maybe close to You. Rain in us to overcome “the valleys and the deserts,” and help us to make springs and well of salvation, in our daily living.

As we go from strength to strength, empowered us with the Holy Spirit. Teach us, that a day with You is better than a thousand elsewhere. Hear our prayers, O Lord! Be our light and shield, to deliver us from temptation. Make us walk uprightly, trusting in You. For we ask all these, in Jesus Gracious Name. Amen!!!


This devotional was kindly contributed by Dr. Chow Li Sze and her channel Heavenly Devotion. You may find the channel at https://www.youtube.com/c/HeavenlyDevotion/videos


About the Heavenly Devotion channel

The Heavenly Devotion channel is dedicated to encouraging you to listen to Bible Scriptures and pray with the Scriptures. They are inspired by the call of service as expressed and exemplified by Apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 9:12-15


“For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” (Hebrew 4:12 NKJV)


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