Heavenly Devotion: Psalm 23 – The Lord Is All I Need

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Psalm 23 – The Lord is all I need

(Written by Goh Sook Wah)

Psalm 23 is undoubtedly one of the best-known and well-loved Psalms. It is popularly read at weddings and funerals. David was an old man when he wrote Psalm 23. He had seen tragedies and experienced disappointments, but more importantly, he had come to know God intimately, describing Him as his Shepherd drawing from his own experience growing up as a young shepherd boy, caring for the sheep.

David begins the Psalm by declaring confidently “The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want” (not lacking in anything)”. David speaks of God, who was able to lead His people to “green pastures”, “still waters” and “restoring his soul”. This speaks of God’s provision, shelter, and care. He recalls the dark times when he was “in the valley of the shadow of death”, but the Lord was with him, reassuring His presence, and leading him safely home through the peaks and valleys of his life.

The scene changes halfway through the Psalm to a banquet table with God as the gracious host, who invites us as His guests. David describes the experience of a cherished relationship as “my cup overflows”, enjoying the richness of the host’s goodness. As the Psalm closes, David envisions a life of constant fellowship and communion with God. What a wonderful assurance and promise of hope for all of us who entrusts our lives to the Shepherd of our souls.


Let’s read Psalm 23

A psalm of David.

 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
    He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside still waters.
    He restores my soul.
He leads me in paths of righteousness
    for his name’s sake.

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
    I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
    your rod and your staff,
    they comfort me.

You prepare a table before me
    in the presence of my enemies;
you anoint my head with oil;
    my cup overflows.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
    all the days of my life,
and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord


Let’s pray

Heavenly Father, we thank you that you are our good shepherd, who loves us and provides for our every need. Thank you for assuring us of your divine protection and guidance as we navigate through our various life challenges. Help us to look up to you and trust you completely, knowing that your grace and mercy will see us through and we have this eternal hope of being in your presence forever. In Jesus Name, we pray. Amen.


This devotional was kindly contributed by Dr. Chow Li Sze and her channel Heavenly Devotion. You may find the channel at https://www.youtube.com/c/HeavenlyDevotion/videos


About the Heavenly Devotion channel

The Heavenly Devotion channel is dedicated to encouraging you to listen to Bible Scriptures and pray with the Scriptures. They are inspired by the call of service as expressed and exemplified by Apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 9:12-15


“For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” (Hebrew 4:12 NKJV)


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