Psalm 119:25-32 – For You Shall Enlarge My Heart
(by Elder Richard Tio)
Expressing a depressed state
In this passage there is a sense of dejection and discouragement by the psalmist. Twice the author describes himself in a depressed state, saying, “My soul cleaves to the dust” (v 25a), and “My soul weeps because of grief” (v 28a). We don’t know exactly what caused the psalmist’s grief. It could be related to some deception that had led to his harm. This would explain the latter clause where he asked the Lord to “Remove the false way from me, and graciously grant me Your law” (v 29).
Deception can bring hurt and derail the believer’s life, but God’s word can “strengthen” the soul (v 28b) and keep it on the path of righteousness. Today, believers in Christ may also face dejection and discouragement due to selfish motives to want more, resulting in being a victim of scams. Or it may be some rash decision from misguided advice by others.
Established by God’s word
During troubling times, when his innermost being is unsettled and in turmoil, the psalmist asks for strength from God’s word. Twice the author seeks God’s help, saying, “revive me according to Your word” (v 25b), and “strengthen me according to Your word” (v 28b). There is an intensity to pursue and lay hold of that which lifts the soul: specifically, God’s word. The stressed-out-believer recharges his/her battery by means of Scripture (c.f. 119: 107, 154), which “is living and active” (Hebrews 4:12) and transforms the mind and strengthens the life of those who lay hold of it. He will be strengthened and established by God’s word.
Engaged towards faithful and godly living
The psalmist made personal and deliberate choices to call on God who knows how he felt and sought a way out of his dilemma. He chooses God’s faithful way and focuses on God’s rules to realign his commitment to obey God’s rules.
Enlarged heart for God’s knowledge and service
The psalmist pleads that God will not put him to shame (v 31). With renewed enthusiasm, he runs towards God’s commandments, trusting God will enlarge his heart (v 32). The heart is the seat of understanding and volition, and greater knowledge of Scripture results in greater capacity for service.
Let’s Read Psalm 119:25-32
25 My soul clings to the dust;
Revive me according to Your word.
26 I have declared my ways, and You answered me;
Teach me Your statutes.
27 Make me understand the way of Your precepts;
So shall I meditate on Your wonderful works.
28 My soul melts from heaviness;
Strengthen me according to Your word.
29 Remove from me the way of lying,
And grant me Your law graciously.
30 I have chosen the way of truth;
Your judgments I have laid before me.
31 I cling to Your testimonies;
O LORD, do not put me to shame!
32 I will run the course of Your commandments,
For You shall enlarge my heart.
Let’s Pray
Heavenly Father, I confess there are times when I am overcome with issues and circumstances that trouble and unsettle me. Forgive me for my selfish motives that may have led me to this state. Remind me of Your statutes and help me meditate on Your wondrous works. Remove false ways far from me and have mercy on me; let me not be put to shame. Renew my heart to wisely choose Your ways over my own. Thank You, faithful and gracious God, Heavenly Father, in Jesus’s wonderful Name, Amen!
This devotional was kindly contributed by Dr. Chow Li Sze and her channel Heavenly Devotion. You may find the channel at https://www.youtube.com/c/HeavenlyDevotion/videos
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The Heavenly Devotion channel is dedicated to encouraging you to listen to Bible Scriptures and pray with the Scriptures. They are inspired by the call of service as expressed and exemplified by Apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 9:12-15.
“For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” (Hebrew 4:12 NKJV)
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