Heavenly Devotion: Psalm 108 – The Lord Is Victorious

Psalm 108 – The Lord is Victorious.

(by Vincent Jiam)

The psalmist’s heart is welling up with a magnificent song! This song of faith sings to a faithful God. His soul is quickened to worship the everlasting God. The psalmist dedicates his instruments as an orchestra to praise the Lord. His worship breaks forth at first light and is proclaimed in the hearing of every nation and people.

The love of God is great and glorious. His love is famed by the train of his robe and fills the whole earth. It reaches the skies, filling even the heavens. The psalmist prays to the Lord for help, and the beloved of the Lord will see deliverance. The arm of the Lord is mighty to save.

God speaks from his sanctuary. He fulfills his triumph in full measure, for between the Shechem of Abraham and Jacob’s Valley of Sukkoth, the Promised Seed is the Lord’s Tent.

Gilead is a witness for mending Jew and gentile. In Manasseh when he forgives/forgets our sins. Ephraim, a crown with a fruitful kingship. Jesus was born in Bethlehem Ephrathah. Judah, the King’s sceptre shepherds the flock. Praise the Lord. Moab, a reflection from father. Edom, I toss my sandal to purchase and redeem the firstborn. Over Philistia, I will triumph.

The psalmist ponders who would bring him to face Edom or a fortified city. He implores the Lord to see the sorry state of his rejected people. They had been defeated in battles because the Lord no longer goes to fight for them. He asks the Lord for help against the enemy and concedes that human help is worthless. Therefore, the psalmist’s faith is renewed again when the Lord lifts him up to victory by overcoming all who intend to do evil toward him. The Lord is faithful and merciful.


Let’s Read Psalm 108

A song. A psalm of David.

My heart, O God, is steadfast;
    I will sing and make music with all my soul.
Awake, harp and lyre!
    I will awaken the dawn.
I will praise you, Lord, among the nations;
    I will sing of you among the peoples.
For great is your love, higher than the heavens;
    your faithfulness reaches to the skies.
Be exalted, O God, above the heavens;
    let your glory be over all the earth.

Save us and help us with your right hand,
    that those you love may be delivered.
God has spoken from his sanctuary:
    “In triumph I will parcel out Shechem
    and measure off the Valley of Sukkoth.
Gilead is mine, Manasseh is mine;
    Ephraim is my helmet,
    Judah is my scepter.
Moab is my washbasin,
    on Edom I toss my sandal;
    over Philistia I shout in triumph.”

10 Who will bring me to the fortified city?
    Who will lead me to Edom?
11 Is it not you, God, you who have rejected us
    and no longer go out with our armies?
12 Give us aid against the enemy,
    for human help is worthless.
13 With God we will gain the victory,
    and he will trample down our enemies.


Let’s Pray

Dear heavenly Father, we thank you for your love and faithfulness to us. Your Word is everlasting and victorious. Forgive our sins and renew us. Grant us victory today in all that we do for the honour of the Name of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.


This devotional was kindly contributed by Dr. Chow Li Sze and her channel Heavenly Devotion. You may find the channel at https://www.youtube.com/c/HeavenlyDevotion/videos


About the Heavenly Devotion channel

The Heavenly Devotion channel is dedicated to encouraging you to listen to Bible Scriptures and pray with the Scriptures. They are inspired by the call of service as expressed and exemplified by Apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 9:12-15


“For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” (Hebrew 4:12 NKJV)


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