26 Jan 2013 by Simon Yap-
Stephen cried out, “I see heaven open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God” (Acts 7:56).
I discovered something very interesting today. The Jewish highest court is called the Sanhedrin. They are what we know today as probably the Federal Court. The members of the Sanhedrin sat in a semicircle that they might see one another while deliberating. Two clerks stood before them, the one to the right and the other to the left, to take down the votes. One to record votes of acquittal and the other votes of condemnation.
It also describes the roles of the court clerks (scribes) as one handling the arguments for acquittal and one the arguments for conviction. Upon reaching a verdict or a judgment the Sanhedrin would announce is verdict through either of the two clerks.
The clerk who handles submissions for acquittal sits on the right hand and the clerk who handles the submissions for conviction and condemnation is on the left. When the judges reach a verdict of conviction, the left clerk will declare the judgment of conviction and the accused is sentenced and condemned. If the council finds the accused innocence or not guilty the clerk on the right declares that he is free to go. He is then set free and is declared righteous.
I was once asked who would sit at the left hand of God the Father our eternal Judge. I honestly don’t care. What I am concerned about is that Jesus my advocate is on the right hand of the Court of heaven. He is there to pronounce my acquittal and declare me righteous. I thank God that in Hebrews Chapter 1 verse 3 the Holy Spirit tells me that “After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven”. I am told that he provided PURIFICATION OF MY SINS and he sat at THE RIGHT HAND OF THE FATHER. I am not only acquitted, I am purified. There is absolute no doubt in God’s mind that I am at the right hand of my Judge.
Hence because of the work of Jesus there is now no condemnation for me because of Jesus. Aren’t you glad that Jesus is seated at the Right Hand of His Father and our judge and not the left?
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Celebrating Jesus and the wonderful Grace of God
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