Great Women Exude Love, Light and Life of Jesus,

Exuding energy as they ladies fellowship began to sing Praise and Worship songs

25 Sept 2012 , by Natasha Kim, CM –

Pastor Patricia Johnson (Head of Committee), from New Life Restoration Church, started a ladies only fellowship called the Radiant Life Fellowship in Kota Kemuning, Shah Alam more than four years ago. She is also actively involved in ministry work in India. The ladies fellowship began when Pastor Patricia had the burden to minister to the women. It all began when Hosea 4: 6 spoke to her, and it says “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” She says, “There are a lot of broken women out there who look for a woman minister whom they can identify with.” The group started off with Prayer meetings every Wednesday and Fellowship meetings on the second and third Thursdays of the month. The fellowship grew and the ladies continued on with the ministry until this day. Their ultimate vision is to raise up mighty women of valor, radiating the love, light, and life of Jesus Christ, for the glory of God!

Exuding energy as they ladies fellowship began to sing Praise and Worship songs

Currently they have about 20 women coming together during their meetings. Their age ranging from late 20’s to 60 year olds. These women come together to have praise and worship, to study the Bible, to pray and to have fellowship together as a family in Christ.

During praise and worship, they sang wholeheartedly, with love and adoration for the Lord. When they had finished singing, they continued onwards to study the Bible together.  The Bible study is now at the Book of Revelations. They progress from chapter by chapter, and as each member read the passages out loud and Pastor Patricia begins to explain what the Scriptures mean. Then they have a group discussion as well and share personal thoughts with one another.

Pastor Patricia Johnson (Founder and Head of Committee of Radiant Life Fellowship) leading the study on the Book of Revelation

Their mission is to nurture and nourish believers in the Word and prayer through testimonies, godly counsel and relationship building.  The group’s objective is to reach out to the ladies in Kota Kemuning and its neighboring communities to experience the grace and love of Jesus Christ unto salvation. It is their desire to bless the community by getting involved where God is working.

Their Thursday Fellowship meetings are more towards gearing the women to be spiritually matured and to cater to their needs, where the women are able to come up, share and Pastor Patricia will pray for them. Pastor says, “I want to leave a legacy behind so that other women can carry on this work and touch the lives and hearts of others, because God has to be glorified.”

Since the fellowship started, they have seen a lot of women mature and become more effective in their respective churches because the women received in-depth spiritual training here so they became more grounded in the Word of God. Their characters were transformed and changed and they are now serving diligently in their own churches. One of them is Sister Shirley Chew, an ex-committee member of the fellowship. Sister Shirley was so inspired that she went on to start her own ladies group at Hosanna Praise Assembly Church in USJ 9, Subang Jaya.

The ladies of Radiant Life Fellowship coming together to have abit of fun and to enjoy their food after the meeting

Their other members namely sister Sharon Tan also shared her experience and she says, “Since coming here I feel quite different, I’m really serious about my relationship with God now and I try to do my utmost for God when previously I just used to be a Sunday Christian. Now that I’ve learnt so much, I feel like I need to learn more.” Mrs. Oon another member then shared her experience and said, “I feel so blessed because all different denominations are coming together and I was the first one to accept Jesus Christ in my family. In the early days in church I felt a bit weak in my faith but with Pastor Patricia’s teachings and guidance, I noticed that my faith in Christ has strengthened.”


For further information or if you would like to join the fellowship in Kota Kemuning, Shah Alam please call sister Jenny Lim (Committee Member of Radiant Life Fellowship) at 012-299 9749.

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