Grace: The Great Equalizer


9 Jan 2014-


If there’s one thing I’ve realized in life, it’s that we can never ask God for too much grace. And we all need it – every day, for everything we need to do in life. Because God loves us so much, He gave His only begotten Son to die for our sins so we can receive His grace, both for our salvation and then to help us walk out our life in Christ with His power.




It’s so wonderful to realize that God’s amazing grace is available to everyone, no matter who you are or what you’ve done. God has good plans for every person who accepts Christ as their Savior, and He wants us to have the abundant life Jesus died to give us. The key to this great life is living in God’s great grace.




Grace is the Great Equalizer. It’s so important for us to understand that God’s grace is available to every person on this earth, in whatever capacity they need. There is no one who is beyond God’s reach or His ability to save and restore their life. I know sometimes we can feel like we’ve done too much wrong and we need to earn God’s forgiveness and grace, but His grace is a gift – we can’t earn or deserve it. And no one is such a “special case” that He cannot help us.




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