13th December 2012 by Donna Uning – CM.
Last Monday – Christmas celebration starts at the Borneo Convention Centre Kuching, here with a week-long talk by Dr. Ev. Jannus Hutapea from Indonesia on “God’s Hands Bless and Heal,” starting Monday night. The nightly event themed “A Celebration of Prayer and Praise” is organized by Seventh Day Adventist Church, Kuching.
The night began with praise and worship, led by Miedske Hutapea and her team, accompanied by Jam Quartet and The Forte Choir from Indonesia. Pastor Brian Scott Padam from Seventh Day Adventist Church translated along with speaker Dr. Hutapea, for his message, “Happiness in Hard Times.”
“Acceptance is a powerful attitude,” said Dr. Hutapea. The meaning of life is not what you have done this week, he said. Acceptance is not giving up. Dr. Hutapea then shared his story about losing his father as a child and finding momentary happiness.
Can we always be in sadness? Some of you are in sickness, illness, diabetes, osteoporosis, having image problems, etc. “It is time for you to change your mind; God has accepted you as you are,” he pointed out. Life is not a mystery, he added.
Why are you weary? There are three points that he pointed out. First, John 14:1-2 is the answer to your weariness. John 14:1-2 says, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, trust also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you.” Happy people don’t wait for something to happen to them. Isn’t that beautiful? There is a promise here. All will be cleaned up because we have a loving Father, our Messiah, our Savior, he said.
Second, Matthew 11:28 says, “Come unto me, all ye who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.” Rest also means prosper, rejoice, happiness, he said. Happiness is to love one another.
In John 15: 12-13, “My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” Do you love your neighbor, friends, and workplace? These are the keys to change, said Dr. Hutapea. To love our Lord is our happiness. Happiness is the Lord, he said ending his talk for the night before calling his team for another praise and worship.
The nightly topics, starting from Monday to Saturday include Happiness in Hard Times, How God will Revolutionize you and your Family, The Reason for God to Walk with You and Bless You, Seven Secrets of Abundant Life, God is your CEO, and With God All Things are Possible.
Dr. Hutapea and his wife, Miedske, brought in their team Horace Hotapea, Jefri Takasanakeng, Jam Quartet, and The Forte Choir from Jakarta, Indonesia to the event. About 400-500 people attended the celebration.
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