by Pat Lee
Have you ever tried ruminating (as a dear friend put it) on God’s story in your life as you go about your daily house chores? Here I was, doing something I absolutely detested and trying to reflect on God’s story in my life. The only thoughts were, “What a life sentence this is!”
Then, in the midst of a more enjoyable chore, that of feeding the dogs, a wife and mother of young children asked of me, “Aunty, my husband told me we may have to move to another town. I am worried. I don’t know the town. Will I be able to make new friends? What about the educational needs of my children?”
I shared with her how God provided me with friends when I married and moved to Kampar. The pastor of the local Methodist church was the Girls’ Brigade captain of my teenage years. My ex-classmate married my husband’s ex-school mate; they were serving in similar ministries and living in the same housing estate as us. Members of the Methodist Church embraced us in love and hospitality.
I was also able to share with her about our year in England, how a Christian couple whom we do not know opened their home to us while we were looking for accommodation. Their warmth and generosity enabled us time to get the right place to rent, not too far from the university and at an affordable rate. God provided friends at the Baptist church where we worshipped, at the playgroup where I worked, and amongst my husband’s university coursemates.
I was able to tell her with confidence that the God we serve is a faithful God. He has seen my needs and has provided. She can rely on Him to do the same for her.
More recently, in the midst of bad bouts of coughing and fighting the flu while my other half is across the sea, I received these two messages:
“Aunty, I will feed the dogs tomorrow morning. You can rest. Good night. Sleep well.”
“Selamat pagi, how are you, Aunty? How are you feeling this morning? You need anything?”
These two young ladies have shown me God’s story of care and compassion.
God, thank you for the opportunities to share Your story. Allow me to see Your story in the lives of people You bring into my life. Thank you for reminding me constantly of Your faithfulness to me. Thank you for Your story in my life. Amen.
This article is part of a series written by various authors after a Christian Writing for Advocacy Workshop organised by Micah Global, Malaysian CARE, and CTI in mid-2019.
A note from Micah Malaysia:
Pat’s story tells us that God is with us wherever we are, even when we are doing things that we detest! It is often in the things that challenge us that God speaks to us to bring us comfort and perspective, if we take the time to ruminate and think. God’s story of compassion and mercy in our lives should translate into our compassion and mercy to others. How has God used others to show kindness to you? How has God used you to show kindness to others?
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