God Spirit Raining Down- Jesus Culture Concert


19 April 2014 by Adeline Lum CM-


On 8th of April, Jesus Culture came to Malaysia for the first time for a ministry and worship concert to a full-house at City Harvest Kuala Lumpur.

Pastor and director Banning Liebscher, singer and music label director Kim Walker-Smith, music editor Skyler Smith, singer and worship pastor Chris Quilala came on-stage to invite God’s Spirit to rain down and saturate the place.


Kim Walker-Smith
Kim Walker-Smith


God’s presence was so thick and heavy, which rested upon the audience whose hands were raised up in total abandonment. Kim Walker passionately sang her heart out for the Lord while bidding the audience to do the same; that is to worship Him with only one desire for Him.

“The most memorable moment for me was when Kim Walker broke through the realm of worship and you can feel God’s presence just came down during Set a Fire. That tells me the anointing she has as a worshiper, more so as a worship leader. (God’s presence) is very real and tangible. I was touched,” said Tony Leo who came to the Jesus Culture concert.




Indeed, on that night, Jesus Culture worshipped the Lord with songs that broke into the spiritual realm with Awaken me, Forevermore, Alleluia, Your love never fails, One thing remains, My everything, Rooftops, Alive, Holy Spirit, Spirit break out, Break every chain, Set a fire, Unstoppable love, Dance, The King is here, and In Awe of You.

Besides worshiping, Pr Banning came on-stage during the concert break to fill the audience with the Word of God.

“I believe in many nations, in Malaysia, God is calling many people,” said Pr Banning referring to Mark 3:22 (NKJV), which says, “For many are called, but few are chosen.”


Pr Banning Liebscher
Pr Banning Liebscher


A verse that confused him earlier, Pr Banning shared how he does not only want to be called, he also wants to be chosen. Reading the passage in context (Matt 22:1-14), he shared that Jesus was telling a parable about a king who invited many people to his son’s wedding, but all of them turned him down for various excuses.

“God calls all of you but what would separate you is your response to that call. The reason many are called but few are chosen is because only a few say ‘yes’ to that call,” said Pr Banning. “And because you responded, Jesus says, ‘Then, I choose you.’”


Chris Quilala
Chris Quilala


Why did God ask us to seek Him? This is because, Pr Banning shared, God intends to be found by you!

“One of the most concrete promises in the Old Testament and the New Testament is that if you seek God with all your heart, you will find Him,” said Pr Banning. “God loves to be found.”


13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. (Jer 29:13)




Pr Banning shared how when he played hide and seek with his children, he intended to be found by hiding in the worse spot. This is the biggest joy for him as a father, which is to be found by his children. Likewise, God rejoices when you found Him.

“God is your Father. He stirs your heart to seek Him because He wants to be found by you. He is horrible in hiding,” said Pr Banning. “Not only you will find Him for yourself, you can find Him for the entire generation, entire city, and the entire nation!”

He shared how Paul and Silas were preaching the gospel when they were imprisoned (Acts 16). In the prison, they prayed and sang hymns to God while the other prisoner listened to them (v 25). Suddenly, a violent earthquake happened, which shook the foundations of the prison, flinging open all doors and loosening everyone’s chains (v 26).

“The interesting point is that God opened every door. When God showed up to Paul and Silas, He didn’t decide to free only them, but the whole prison,” said Pr Banning stressing how two seekers—Paul and Silas—could cause a ripple-effect of not only having God revealed to them, but also to everyone around them.


Pr Banning Liebscher coming on-stage to share the Word of God
Pr Banning Liebscher coming on-stage to share the Word of God


“This is the strategy of God. It is to take your life and place you there. Wherever God place you, God will use you to cause a breakthrough where you are,” he added.

The cries of His children are irresistible to God, Pr Banning shared. Like how he had a difficult time leaving his one-year old daughter to cry in the crib, God has a difficult time resisting our cries as well.

“The divine strategy of God is that He cannot resist your cries, so he placed you amongst your friends and families so that when he hears your cries, He responds and shows up because He is your Father,” Pr Banning said.


Chris Quilala worshiping the Lord with passion
Chris Quilala worshiping the Lord with passion


What a timely message about God’s heart in wanting to be desired and seek by His children.

Dante Lum, an attendee of the concert shared about how Pr Banning’s message impacted him, “We think that our God-given gifts and that the charismatic movement of signs and wonders will change our nations but it’s not. It’s our lives wholly surrendered to God that can change nations.” Convicted in his heart with Mark 3:22 (for many are called, but few are chosen), he desires to be like Isaiah who said, ‘Here I am Lord, send me!’


Kim Walker-Smith bidding the presence of God to come
Kim Walker-Smith bidding the presence of God to come


The concert lasted for three hours, filling everyone in the Spirit through worship and sharing the Word of God. Truly, if we draw near to God, He will draw near to us (James 4:8). Would you like to seek for Him today? He will be found by you.


“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. 

(Matt 7:7-8)


This worship night was brought to you by Jonathan Ministries, partnered with Freeindeed Music.



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  1. 0

    I like this article…well done, Adelline! 

    I have been taken in by Kim Walker and Jesus Culture for many years now and each time I hear them come forth in worship, it just takes me to another platform. Many of their songs are so spirited in worship that it'll just take the floor away. 

    …still feeling nostalgic I missed this…only peace remains in me to understand each of us are called for His purpose, not ours….as I was away serving and leading worship in a prayer meeting of a much smaller scale. 🙂 Still, I rejoice to know I was somehow "involved" in His realm of Worship…


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      Hello Robbin,

      Thank you for your encouragement! Their worship is really genuine in bringing down the presence of God. When hearts are humbled and fully surrendered to the Lord, that’s when God would show up. We hope that Jesus Culture will come back again!

      Many thanks and blessings,


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