God Delivered Us from a Spiritual Attack

Ref: Amaury Guttierrez (unsplash.com)

Testimony by Anita Gimfil


On 9th June 2020, my maid was having a stomachache, and also a pain in her left hand that was troubling her for a few days. Hence, she could not work properly. As usual, she sought me to pray over her and I faithfully did as she requested. With her faith as little as a mustard seed, it was enough each time for her to get healed by the laying of hands as was recounted in James 5:14-17. She has faith because I always shared with her all my personal experiences of God’s mighty power at work.


Anita Gimfil (the writer of the article) on the left


A few days later, on the morning of 12th June 2020, my maid was having severe pain that seemed to emerge from nowhere! It was so intense that she could not do anything at all. Her hand was hanging loose like it was withered! Again, she sought for me to pray over her, specifically that a friend of hers named Wah, would not do her any harm due to a conflict and disagreement they had the previous night.

Thus, I immediately laid hands and prayed over her. I casted and bound the spirit of infirmity that was causing her pain and incapability without first praying for protection. That afternoon, about 3-4 pm, I sensed a tiny bit of discomfort at one point in my right shoulder. I did feel that this discomfort was a bit out of the norm, but I just brushed it aside, trying to ignore it.

That night, before I went to sleep, I could hear from my kitchen my maid groaning and crying in pain so loudly in her room. The whole night she was in excruciating pain!

As I went off to sleep, I could feel the pain in my shoulder becoming more obvious. By 2:30 am, I was troubled by the pain, because when I shifted my position on the bed, it started to hurt!! Thus, I got up and came on my knees, as usual, to pray and plead with God to heal me before it got any worse. I claimed the promise that God had healed me so many times before and that He will heal me again so that His name would be further glorified.

Nevertheless, the pain intensified so much so that by the next day, I could not lift my hand above my shoulder and I also found it hurting to reach my back! By nightfall, I could not pull up/off my clothes as usual. It was hurting me quite badly whenever I lifted my arms.

Before retiring to bed, I really cried out to God to heal me of any backlash of the enemy, claiming that God alone can deliver me from the evil ones. The pain reminded me that sin causes pain and suffering. Hence, I straightaway sought God for forgiveness and I also forgave those who had any differences or conflict with me. From then on, the pain seemed to reduce, and by the next day’s evening, it was completely gone!

I quickly called my maid to tell her of my problem because after I prayed over her, she went to her son’s place, looking for “tukang urut” (a massager in the local context) to urut (massage) her. But when the tukang urut came, her hand was so swollen that she could not urut her. So, I told her to seek forgiveness and to forgive, so that she can be healed.

Immediately she humbled herself to ask for forgiveness from me which she had never done before. Though she is a maid, there were times when she acted like a big boss before me. She wasn’t healed immediately. A few days later, she called me to ask to remember to pray for her and I told her;  “forgive all others too and to seek God to forgive you, for if you do not forgive, God will not forgive you too.” And indeed, once she started forgiving others, she was healed!! That excruciating pain that came from out of the blues left her and she came back to full health one week later.


Anita’s maid around which the testimony is centered around.


Praise and thanks be to our God Almighty for His faithfulness in hearing our prayers, forgiving our sins, and healing us!! To God be all the glory! Indeed, in whatever the situation, His name is to be further glorified. In whatever trouble, this occasion has become another opportunity to witness a miracle! God is great! Halleluia…


Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.

And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.

Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.

James 5:14-16


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