3 Oct 2014-
The Global Day of Worship is a call for a unified global worship movement to see the name of Jesus Christ lifted up throughout the earth. It will be a day that will unify many denominations within the body of Christ while embracing and celebrating the differences in our expressions of love for Jesus Christ. Through a unified, celebration, and adoration of the name of Jesus, the world will see that we are His disciples. This vision was born in a small island of the Caribbean called Dominican Republic in February 1999. Since that date, this vision has influenced this generation and is also serving as an inspiration for thousands of men and women of God around the world.
GWD falls on Saturday, October 4th, this year with a wave of worship and adoration that will span the globe and unite all believers as one body. Utilizing 24 time zones, we will agree and join with the 24 elders, spoken of in Revelation 4, who are already worshiping Jesus around the throne. It is when the worship of heavens meets the worship of earth that spiritual climates of nations will shift, as we serve faithfully here and now in preparation for His return.
On GWD, we will not focus on asking or petitioning for the Lord. But we will simply gaze upon His beauty, thank Him for His love, and declare His attributes and goodness in our lives, families, communities, and nations. We can worship Jesus through reflective expressions of love or loud joyful celebration. We can sing hymns and choruses or engage in free- flowing passionate worship in different languages. We were all created to love Jesus, and this event will allow us to uniquely express our love to Him in unity around the globe.
Be a part of this Global Worship movement by worshiping with churches that are participating or gather yourselves in your homes and set a time to praise and worship God, uniting with worshipers around the world.
The Global Worship Team, Malaysia will also be leading in worship at the following venues hosting GWD on 4th October :
1. Grace Assembly, Klang – Worship time from 8:45 AM – 4:30 PM (12 teams)
2. Bible College Malaysia, PJ – Worship time from 4 PM – 10 PM. United Revival Worship (Bahasa churches) (7 teams)
3. City Harvest Church, Sunway– Worship time from 8 – 10 PM.
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