Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart


3 Jan 2014 by Natasha Kim CM –


The year 2014 is already at your doorstep, and it is bittersweet. Some people may feel gratified from their achievements and look forward to the days ahead, while some others may dread moving forward for fear of the road ahead. Pastor Clifford Njoku (Nigeria) recently shared the Word at the River of Life Santuary, Puchong, on the 29th of December about the importance of remaining grateful no matter how blessed or how unfortunate the year 2013 may have been.


Pastor Clifford Njoku


Above all, give thanks to God for what He has done and what He is still doing in our lives, for our lives are transformed through Him. “Gratitude is words with desire that we express in our lives, horizontally between men and women, between fellow friends, and vertically with God. We need to show appreciation in everything we do. We need to show that we are grateful no matter what we may receive.” shared Clifford.


John 3:16

God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him won’t perish but will have eternal life.




“Life has been given to us and that is why we are here, sisters and brothers. God has been so gracious unto our lives that He gave us Christ” he said. We have a God who fights for us even in the midst of sin, so that we may find peace. What does it mean to give thanks? Why can’t we show appreciation even if what was done was just ordinary? These are some things that all of us should think about as we move forward. Show the ones around you that you love what they do! “Life will be meaningless if you fail to fine tune it and inject something into it” he said. How do you show appreciation? Even a simple thank you with a truly genuine smile can light up someone’s day. We must learn to give thanks in all circumstances and in diverse ways!




1 Thessalonians 5:18

Give thanks in every situation because this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.


“Do not count how many times you give thanks but just give as the Spirit leads you. Reach out to people who do not have enough. I’m not saying that you should carry the whole world over your head, but then, do not be selfish. Be open hearted and have a free mind” he said.




At the same time Clifford also reminded all of us that we should be hidden vessels when we give, for the Lord knows all that we do. We do not have to receive our reward here in this world from the people who know what we have given, we receive our reward when we have our eternal glory with Christ.


Psalm 100:4

Enter his gates with thanks; enter his courtyards with praise! Thank him! Bless his name!


The world, as beautiful as it is, has no doubt been ravaged due to wars, pollution, natural disasters and more. During the year 2013 alone, we have witnessed many floods, hurricanes and killings in the world, amidst the bad economy we’re experiencing. The world is witnessing many changes and is full of tension. “Many have died, if you are alive today be thankful. Give God the Glory! Surrender our times and give gratitude” he said.  Be fervent in prayer if you need something from the Lord. “When you request for something from the Lord you have to walk towards it. Let the Lord know what you desire for the year 2014 and the Lord will grant it but you have to be faithful and pursue it vigorously!” he shared.




Long ago, Clifford wrote in a piece of paper, the seven things that he needed in life and shared that God granted all of them including the loving wife that he asked for. With that, he urged the congregation to do the same if they felt the need to and to bring it to the altar and pray about it every day throughout the year! “As we zoom into 2014, what do you have in your heart? What ideas do you have? What do you want to display? Please arise and evangelize and fill this temple of the Lord.” he shared.


Psalm 37:4

Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.


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1 Comment

  1. 0

    I so much tank God for the word we have heard from RV Pastor Clifford Njoku, we have to be grateful for what the Lord has done in our life.

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