GE13: Some Words of Wisdom


1 May 2013  by James Hoh CM –


Members of the Metro Tabernacle Assembly of God were urged to intensify in prayer and intercession for the 13th General Election of the nation.




Its Senior Pastor Rev Ong Sek Leang said that, “it is the strategic call to humble ourselves to seek the Lord with one earnest spirit for the welfare and the needed foundational breakthrough for our beloved nation – at a very historic and crucial time.”




In the church’s weekly bulletin last Sunday Rev Ong, who is also the General Superintendent of the Assemblies of God, urged the members to pray at all levels, personal, family, workplace, prayer meetings, life groups and also combined church efforts where possible.

He encouraged them to be engaged in relevant and helpful roles in the polling and election process.

He also encouraged them to cast their votes with wisdom, discernment and a good conscience. One of the best ways to water down the perceived effects of fraud is to make sure that everyone cast their vote.


The church building that was once bombed is now repaired


“Preserve peace and reconciliation especially by the way we process and forward messages, blogs, texts, emails etc through the different mediums of communication.

“Let us pray for a clean and fair election that will give Malaysia an incoming government that is the ‘servant of God for your good’ and a government that has a genuine fear of God,” Rev Ong added.

He quoted from the bible (Romans 13:4-5) why Christians should respect the government:

For he is God’s minister to you for good. But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God’s minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil. Therefore, you must be subject, not only because of wrath but also for conscience’ sake.” (Romans 13:4-5)


He also encouraged his members to pray fervently with expectant hearts.



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1 Comment

  1. 0

    Thanks for posting.  Leaders are put in postion by the Lord.  This generation election will be the mother of all elections.  For some it will be their political grave. Let the birth of a new government rule with justice.  Let God be glorified.

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