Fresh Encounter with God – Evangelistic Rally – Part 2


14 March 2013 by Donna Uning CM – 


“Everybody has a depth; the Spirit is moving right now,” Ps Gbenga declared to the crowd at the City SIB, Kuching at the ‘Fresh Encounter with God’ rally.

“You’ve got the depth,” he continued with Psalm 42:7, “Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me.”

1 Corinthians 2:9 says, “However, as it is written: ‘No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for him, but God has revealed it to us by his Spirit;”

Genesis 1 says the Spirit of the Lord is moving. God is moving in somebody’s depth; in somebody’s depth is your gift on your inside ready to release something.


What is in your depth is yet to come out. When the Spirit moves with the Word, you need to leave the shallow and go in the deep, he said. Get into the deep. Are you tired of small miracles? Jesus told Peter to launch into the deep.

“This treasure is in every vessel. Something that God puts there and knows how to pull it out,” he said. The graveyard is full of potential, books not written, songs never sung, buildings never built or prophesy that never comes to pass.

The Spirit of the Lord is moving; the Spirit wants to connect to your inside. When Jesus was baptized, the Spirit showed up; the Lord was with Him. When the Spirit shows up, restoration comes, refreshing comes, revival comes and reward comes.

“When you come to the Holy Spirit, you come to revive! Just one touch of the Holy Spirit, that’s what you need,” Ps Gbenga said. You are fearful because you are not connected with the Spirit of God. The Spirit is power!

The Spirit moves with the people that are ready. The woman with the issue of blood, she is ready and the Spirit moved to her.

And God said, let there be light. All that the Spirit is waiting for is the Word. When the Spirit mixes with the Word, something happens.

When you have the power, the Spirit of light, the evil spirit knows when you have the Spirit. In Acts 19, many tried to cast out demons but failed. You, yourself need to know Him. The difference is when the Spirit is upon you.

Do you know there’s a greater one in your inside as a believer? When you come in God’s presence, He will bring His presence with you, he said.


“When you have the understanding of God, you will mess the devil up. The devil is like a roaring lion, not a lion. The best he can be is a wolf or fox,” he said. As Christians we can say, “I’m bold like a lion because I’m righteous.”

When the Spirit of God shows up, it brings liberty. There are two things that bring liberty – the Word and the Spirit.

Ps Gbenga said US singer Don Moen told him that he was a ‘supposed’ to be a lumber man, “But, God picked me up and made me great.” Sometimes we don’t know what God has placed on our inside.

“I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me. God has changed my story, He can make you anew. That’s what God can do,” he said.

“Your communion with God is not ‘our’ communion, it’s my communion. ‘I’ know the Lord, ‘I’ know the Holy Spirit. It’s a personal encounter with the Lord,” he said. If my mom or dad is Christian, so, I’m a Christian? If your parents are doctors or lawyers, are you? Did you go to medical or law school? Is that it? If you want to be a Christian, meet Jesus. God does not have grandchildren.

“You must come to Him. He will give you rest,” he said. You are destined to be a great man. Somewhere along the line, fear came in and you are discouraged, he added. “You are the one who said no. The just shall not live by feeling, but by faith.”

Paul said in 2 Corinthians 4:13, “It is written: ‘I believed; therefore I have spoken. With the same spirit of faith we also believe and therefore speak.” That’s what I declare, he said. His grandma was told that she had Parkinson’s disease but told the doctor, “I’m too old to have Parkinson’s disease!”

Whose report do you believe? Is the joy of the Lord your strength? When the devil wants to park in your life, you say, “No Parking.” God’s intention is to renew us. The devil cannot stop you if you don’t give him permission.


God’s strength is made perfect in my weakness. Hebrews 10:36 says, “You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.”

The devil attacks confidence. “I’m getting my confidence back! This only happens when we get into God’s presence,” he told. The difference is the presence of God (Psalm 16:11). When David was on the harp, light steps in and darkness disappears.

The presence of God is the only thing that can refresh you. Restoration comes with the presence of God. We need our souls restored to catch the fire of the Spirit. Jesus has the presence of the Lord, demons were scared of Him. You want restoration; you need the presence of the Lord. You want reward; you need the presence of the Lord.

“If you allow the leading of the Lord, change will take place in your life. There’s liberty. Anyone who has the Spirit of the Lord is the liberator. Will you be that person? “Here I am, send me.”


“It’s the Spirit that makes a person change. It turns you inside out. Out of your bellies shall flow the living water. The pool needs stirring; stir the gift that is in you. This only happens with an encounter with God,” he ended.

Ps Gbenga then led the crowd in prayer and healing. The team from St. Faith’s Church headed the praise and worship during the rally at the City SIB, Kuching. Pastor Rhema Sarojah from the City SIB was present at the event which was organized by Excellers Network, Kuching.



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