Found – An Ultimate Business Partner Part 2


20 May 2013 by James Hoh CM –


In Part I of our story, Swa Chee Kian told us how he lost his job and all his savings in 2002. He shared with us how in his desperation he returned to God with his head hung low. But God lifted his head and became his “business partner” in an agency which is now flourishing. Read on… 

“I remember that my relationship with God was about ‘asking’. I only knew how to ask for achieving sales target and nothing else,” Swa Chee Kian said in describing his working relationship with God in the early days of his business.




“On His part, God was gracious and patient with me as He led me along my career path, providing and teaching me. He was faithful in answering my prayers for the fulfillment of his sales target every month.

“There were many times when I desperately needed to hit the target and the Lord would send a business order the following day before the closing of the month. He never failed to hit the target for me!”          

However, the mid-2007 was different, added Chee Kian. “God asked me to stop asking Him, not that He wanted to quit being my ultimate business partner, but he wanted me to STOP LIMITING WHAT HE COULD DO. I totally agreed.


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“Two weeks later, my wife Vivien received a call from a public listed company wanting us to present them a 3-days and 2-nights family retreat for 1,300 people.

“The presentation went on smoothly before the Chairman asked for my company profile in my next presentation to him. He also wanted to know how many staff I had. My confident level went flat,” he continued.

He went home and on his knees he cried out to God, “Lord, now that I’m drooling over it. You caused me to be in this spot, how am I going to tell them that I only have two staff, my wife and I?” he asked.   

“After I have cried enough, the word ‘coordinator’ suddenly dropped into my heart and I connected the dots. I started to write down all the people I know who would be able to help me in this business including agencies. The list looked good. The Lord wanted me to outsource the project.

“We went back for our second presentation not long after. I remembered they wanted a concert with Malay artistes, a carnival, tropical fruit fiesta and an outdoor barbeque, all these at Pulai Springs in Johore for 1,300 people.




“I remained calm and stayed positive throughout the presentation. At the end of the presentation, I waited for the Chairman to ask for my company profile but didn’t. A staff came up to me and gave me RM80,000 which is a 10% deposit for the entire project. I looked at my wife and my wife looked at me stunned.

“We have never had a cheque written with so many zeros on it. The funny thing is that we haven’t really firmed up the details and obviously the Chairman had forgotten to ask for my company details.”

To make the story short, God blessed him beyond his expectation. It was mind-boggling as the entire project was worth more than a million ringgit!

“I thanked the Lord for being my business partner. What took place during the organising of the retreat was an eye opener for me. I only could say ‘I didn’t do it, He did it again’.”

"He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul."    

Psalms 23: 2-3

When the feeling of ecstasy finally worn off, it was time to get down to work. As they started preparing for the project, one of the biggest headaches in preparing the fruit fiesta was searching for durians in an off season.

“We hunted high and low until God reminded me again ‘what am I doing?’ ” Chee Kian said.

He went back on his knees to talk to God, “I can’t get this thing done. I don’t know how to go about it. What am I going to do?”

“Go down south to Johore,” the Lord replied.




“I didn’t know why I should go south except that the event was to be held Johore. I searched and found a company called Farma which supplies fruits. It was in Johor.




“The next morning, I and my wife drove down to look for that company. GPS was not exists then so we just trusted the Lord and lo and behold, we arrived at the orchard without making a wrong turn! We believe the Lord ‘drove’ us there because the orchard was quite obscure.”

They met a man whom I believe was the secretary of Farma said he could mobilize all Farma offices throughout Malaysia to provide all the durians and fruits they needed. Knowing that God was orchestrating the thing, Chee Kian paid him a deposit to seal the deal. 




On the day of the event, many truck loads of durians and fruits came to Pulai Spring. All these as if it was pre–arranged by God, supernatural!

The first night was a barbeque dinner. The preparation had to start in the morning together with the setting up of the music instruments but at 10am there was torrential rain.

“A technician came and told me that according to Google weather forecast, it would rain the whole day. But I told him that the rain will stop by noon and he gave me one-kind of a look and asked how me would I know. I replied, ‘My God told me so’,” he added. But in Chee Kian’s heart, he was praying that God would not fail him.


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At 12 noon, everyone was looking at Chee Kian because it was still raining.

At 2pm, they were still looking at him.

But at 2.30pm the rain stopped and work began in earnest. Chee Kian praised the Lord!

“At 7.30pm I pondered over the incident and asked ‘Why did it rain that day?’. Then I realized that it was to cool down the venue which was a golf club. The raindrops on the trees sparkled brilliantly, reflecting the lights in the garden.  It was all like a display of the glory of God. I pointed out to the manager of the club who was a Christian, that the trees were radiating the glory of God.

"Be still and know that I am God." 

Psalms 46:10

From this event, Chee Kian learned a lesson – that God being his partner would be in control of all things. “Every outdoor event that we did, we were not threaten by the weather because God would be there to save the day. People say that you must have to standby plan, a plan B but we don’t need to because if God gave us the business He would not fail us. It is just that amazing!” Chee Kian said.  

To God be the Glory!


Swa Chee Kian and wife Vivien runs a company that helps churches, Christian organisations and companies to organize events, camps and retreats. They have an extensive networks of hotels and resorts, smaller churches and organisations can expect a better deal for the same amount of budget because of leverage. 

"Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest."    

Mark 6:31

In addition to getting better deals, church leaders and organizing committees of the retreat or event could participate fully in their programmes. It would be hassle-free, undisturbed and peaceful spiritual encounter with God. Chee Kian and Vivien ensure they are well taken care of. 
They could be contacted via email or visit website or just call +603-5611 8735.       

Dear Viewers in Christ, if you find this article edifying to you, please share with your friends or loved ones by using the social media plugs (Share, Email to this article). The Lord will surely bless you as you bless others. May the Lord’s peace and love be with you. 


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