Let’s Not Forget the Reason for Christmas- Praise City KL


Dec 16th by Adeline Lum CM-


Praise City KL has an auditorium filled with about 250 people with a talented choir accompanied by dancers and story-telling videos. The Christmas celebration started with worship including classics such as Joy to the World and Silent Night, in addition to contemporaries such as Jesus, Be the Center.

After worship, the show began with the emcee asking, “What is the reason of Christmas?” when suddenly Mr. Santa marched into the auditorium amidst the audience to the children’s glee. “Of course Christmas is about me!” said Mr. Santa thumping his chest confidently when he reached the stage. Before he ended, three charming actresses portraying reindeers halted the discussion exclaiming, “Santa, without us carrying the presents, do you think you can send it?”


The Reindeers, Emcee and Santa



While they were still debating, two actors leaped in with the unmistaken Gangnam playing at the background. “Christmas is about partying alright!” announced the actor depicting Psy in Gangnam. Lastly, two ladies appeared in style with their shopping bags! Of course, what is Christmas without presents?


Emcee and Actors dancing Gangnam Style


Indignant with the actors stealing his spotlight, the emcee thundered, “Who are you to crash my party?” before he wittily added, “As you can see, there are many things that we think about in relation to Christmas—Santa Claus, reindeers, partying and even shopping!” And then, he introduced the silent choir at the back of the stage, who would sing about the true meaning of Christmas!

Lights were dimmed and a video was broadcasted showing how God created the universe. After that, at the switch of the light, two men ran onto the stage swinging their colorful flags, moments before they were joined by a group of adorable children also dancing gracefully to the song lifted by the strong voice of choir.


Beginning of the performance

Children dancing with the hymn of the choir


Next, casts portraying as unsuspected shepherds walked amidst the audience and rose onto the stage, when suddenly the lights were placed onto the angels standing at the platforms. When and how did they appear? It was magical. The shepherds and angels were all there to witness the birth of baby Jesus!


An angel appeared!


“Fear not! Good News! He will conquer every evil. Your Savior Christ is born,” the choir lifted their heavenly voice in unison.


Wise men traveled from afar to find for the King of Kings.


“They did not find a palace, just a humble village home; and searching for a king, but finding a child; no crown, no throne, still they bowed down,” the choir sang. “Come let us adore him… O come let us adore him.”



Next, an upbeat song commenced with a group of children danced hip-hop style to the beat! And it ended with a single soprano supported by the harmonious choir.


A soprano leading the choir

Upbeat children dancing to hip-hop style


The performance then ended with Pastor Aris Siew sharing the six wonders of Christmas.


Pastor Aris Siew


“When we talk about wonder, we talk about something that amazes us and yes, we have an amazing God to be in awe with!” said Aris. “Today I will talk about the wonders which makes Christmas, Christmas.”


The first wonder of Christmas is God coming into this sinful world to die for sinners like us. How is that possible? It is made possible by the Holy Spirit who allowed Jesus to come to the world as a sinless baby, which is the second wonder. The third wonder is that Jesus came to love us, having infinite knowledge about us including our name, past, dreams, broken hearts, and painful moments. The fourth wonder is God redeeming us through the blood of Christ who died for our sins. And when we accept Christ, we receive the Holy Spirit who gives us discernment on the purpose of us on Earth–the fifth wonder! Finally, the sixth wonder is living a perpetual life with Christ, where by our lives will not end it the grave but continues in Heaven with God forever. And that my friends… are the six wonders of Jesus Christ, the center of Christmas!

“When Christ was born, there was no room for Him. That’s why Mary gave birth to Jesus in the stable. But now, I would like to ask you… do you have a room in your heart for Jesus today?” asked Pastor Aris.


Heads bowed. Hands lifted. Devoting and re-devoting lives back to the God, everyone was in awe of the performance. A soulful choir with graceful and talented dancers, Praise City KL told the greatest story ever told–the story of Jesus being born—with flavor, colour and impact.



May everyone be blessed from the performance! Merry Christmas everyone!


For more information on Praise City KL, please visit http://praisecitykl.com/

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