Miracle Lengthening of the Leg!


31 July 2013 by Adeline Lum CM-


Betty Chia at 69 years old was smiling from ear to ear, praising the Lord for His goodness!


Betty Chia and her husband, Frank Lum


The First Healing

Born with a curved spine, Betty underwent a 14 hours surgery to straighten her spine. When she woke up, the first thing her surgeon asked was, “May I know what is your religion?”

“I am a Christian,” Betty said.

“Your God saved you,” the surgeon replied. 

For the past few hours, her surgeon had been attempting to revive her but failed. Just when he was about to leave the room to inform her family, Betty started moving and the nurse shouted to notify the surgeon.

“It was the greatest thing in my life! I would have been in a wheelchair forever if I did not do this surgery,” said Betty.

Had she not taken the surgery, her spine would crack under the weight of her body when she aged. As a result, she would not be able to walk for the rest of her life.

Now, her spine is strengthened with a steel rod, which allowed her to walk a short distance. However, the Lord wanted to completely heal her in His Glory!


The Second Healing

The day came when Brother Eddy Yong with the powerful gift of healing preached in her church, SGC Life Sanctuary. With an unshakeable faith, Betty asked Eddy to lengthen her left leg that was close to two inches shorter than her right leg.

“She (Betty) asked me, ‘do you believe that the Lord would do this thing for me?’” said Eddy who felt a certain sensation at that time; he had prayed for her leg pain to go away, for the last two times he preached at the church.

So, both started to pray. Betty was already in tears. On the other hand, Eddy attempted to pull her leg while praying but nothing happened. Hence, he closed his eyes and surrendered everything to Jesus.

“I said, ‘Lord, do this miracle for her.’ And I started proclaiming all the Bible verses I know. Suddenly, I could feel her foot pushing my hand. It happened very fast. I tried to open my eyes but I could not,” said Eddy.

By the time he managed to open his eyes, both of Betty’s legs were already at the same length. But Betty witnessed everything!

“I saw my left leg lengthening and when it reaches the length of the other leg, it stopped!” said Betty who was in shock.

She felt very relieved when her leg was lengthening. When she witnessed it, she asked herself, “How can the Lord move my leg? I was thinking whether it was real.”

“Now, I can only say to the Lord, ‘thank you Lord, you are great! I am so happy! God is good to me!’” exclaimed Betty. She walked across the hallway of the church after the healing and even went for a medical examination. Evidently, she was completely healed.


Be Faithful in Prayer. Have Faith in God 

“Since my children were very young, I have always taught them to be faithful to God. Whatever difficulty you have, you just have to call out to God and pray, it will be answered,” said Betty.

A fervent believer in prayer, she would say the Lord’s Prayer to her grandson since he was a baby, before he sleeps. And at only four years old, his grandson could recite the Lord’s Prayer.

“My grandson told me that he was worried that he could not do his work. So, he just said the Lord’s Prayer and everything was fine. He said, ‘Poh Poh is right.’ Remember that God is there to hear you,” said Betty.

“I believe everything happens for a reason. She had faith. I also had faith. And when both men of faith connects, God honors what we asked from Him,” said Eddy.


Betty (middle) and husband Frank (second from left), with Eddy (far left) and his wife and daughter (first and second from right)


Eddy shared akin to the story of Jairus whose daughter was dead, Jesus only brought Peter, John, and James into the room with Jairus and his wife (Luke 8:51). Not only that, Jesus also brought Peter, John, and James when he went up to a high mountain, where he uncovered his glory (Matthew 17:1). Jesus only brought the people who have faith in Him to witness Him do miracles and exceedingly great things. In other words, the Lord is looking for people who have faith in Him, even a faith as small as a mustard seed (Matthew 17:20). Jesus can do mighty things if only we have faith in Him. Do you have faith?

Watch a video of what happened after the miracle!


Note: Eddy Yong worships with his family at Glad Tidings Petaling Jaya and is a member of Healing Rooms International, a worldwide association for believers anointed with the gift of healing.


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