Extreme Challenges Are The Lord’s Opportunities – Calvary Church, KL


3rd Oct 2012, by Natasha Kim, CM –

Calvary Church is a well known Church among many because it has been around for a long time. According to their website, Reverend Tan Sri (Dr) Prince and Puan Sri (Dr) Petrina Guneratnam was the first Malaysian couple to pastor their Church. They led a total congregation of 120 people in the year 1968. Since then, the Church has grown tremendously and has amazingly pioneered and established 31 daughter Churches. Their service in Damansara Heights saw many that came for their Sunday service this very day. The majority of the crowd that attended were mostly families, both young and old. Looking at the Church, one can clearly see that it has been very well maintained for the amount of time that it has been around. They even have their very own humble bookstore that many head to before and after the service.

Calvary Church is currently in the process of completing the building of their own named as Calvary Convention Centre (CCC) which is located in Bukit Jalil. Now for the good news! Calvary Convention Centre since it has started with constructions and renovations has been able to see the physical completion so far. The Church is expecting and hoping that they will be able to hold their Good Friday and Easter services at CCC as soon as next year. The cost of CCC is approximately RM 200 million and the Church has already raised a lot of money for constructions but they still need more for the completion of the whole CCC. Those who would like to see their completion and help them achieve it can help make a difference today by contributing in kind or giving a monetary donation in support of the construction of the Calvary Convention Centre.


Extreme challenges are the Lord’s Opportunities

Pastor Richard Yun preached today about extreme challenges. He began his sermon with a reading from 2 Kings 6:1-7, and it says “The company of the prophets said to Elisha, “Look, the place where we meet with you is too small for us. Let us go to the Jordan, where each of us can get a pole; and let us build a place there for us to meet.” And he said, “Go.” Then one of them said, “Won’t you please come with your servants?” “I will,” Elisha replied. And he went with them. They went to the Jordan and began to cut down trees. As one of them was cutting down a tree, the iron axhead fell into the water. “Oh no, my lord!” he cried out. “It was borrowed!”  The man of God asked, “Where did it fall?” When he showed him the place, Elisha cut a stick and threw it there, and made the iron float. “Lift it out,” he said. Then the man reached out his hand and took it.”

In a nutshell this story is about the iron axhead floating up to the surface and how it may be ridiculous, but God creates miracles! For example, when people trust in their riches and when something extreme hits your life such as a financial crisis or a robbery then you will see that it is not a silly or ridiculous situation anymore. When something bad hits your life, you will then recognize that you need a miracle. Pastor Richard says, “It takes us miracle after miracle to know that God is real and that God is building our faith” In the story, Prophet Elisha needed assurance because he has a problem, and that was because he was only holding his ax handle. Without the axhead no matter how much commitment or activity comes from you, nothing will fall down. One will waste so much energy, and even get a bruised hand as a result of using only an axe handle. Whatever we do will have consequences when we are building the kingdom of God. This story tells us that bad situations, accidents and misfortune can still happen even when you do God’s work. No one has an exemption because everyone faces problems. Pastor Richard adds, “When you as a child of God faced problems, when God allows you to go through it, He wants you to have the opportunity to experience the power of God. Only when you go through sickness, then only will you know that God is your healer and only when you go through extreme situations of poverty and need, then you will realize that God is your provider. Things do go wrong when you are trying to do right.” When we are doing God’s work and the axehead falls, it happens! What the enemy wants you to do is to blame yourself, to blame others, or God. You hear all the condemnation and those are the attacks of the enemy on your life, when you handle the axe handle without the axehead.

When Jesus Christ comes into your life you must make a commitment to pick up the axe head and put it back into your axe handle. Then and only alone will you will have the cutting edge in life gonfiabili sportivi. God can help you, and He can change everything. Jesus can transform the world! He has given us His Holy Spirit and it comes upon each one of us.

If you would like to know more about Calvary Church or listen to the pastors full sermon please visit http://www.calvary.org.my/

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