26 April 2013 Natasha Kim CM –
Full Gospel Businessman Fellowship (FGB), Subang Zone, recently held an evangelistic event at Hosanna Coffee Shop. It was held for the very first time, and will probably be the first of many more to come.
It was a bright and sunny day as they started setting up the keyboard and speakers. As they began to play songs of praise and worship, people started coming in one by one and slowly crowded the coffee shop. They were greeted with a warm welcome and went on to register themselves in order to get their free coupons for food and drinks.
Many came from all walks of life to listen as the men of FGB livened up the place with their singing. They sang many songs in English and some in Chinese which included some familiar melodies such as “Chan May Choo” and “Kan Gua Eh Chew”
Swaying Away from the Lord
After the singing was done everyone listened as some of the men came up to share their testimonies. The main speaker of the day Allan Dowse shared his testimony as well. As he greeted everyone, he started talking about how he was brought up and regarding his father who left his family when he was at a young age. He grew up with the care of his grandmother who loved him. She used to bring him along everywhere she went and that included the various Taoist temples.
Only when he was 18 years old, he decided to make certain decisions for himself. A friend brought him to Church one fine day and he decided that he wanted to become a Christian. It was then that he accepted the Lord as his personal Saviour. He didn’t know much but all he knew was that he feared hell and when he heard about eternal life he was taken.
“I started to become a better person” he said. He recalls always leaving his books behind during his younger days with no interest in studies at all but after he accepted Christ, his life started to take a turn for the better as he became hardworking.
During his first four years as a Christian, Allan served the Lord well. With his newfound confidence and faith he took a job working for an insurance company and started earning large sums of money through the various connections he made and clients he attained. He bought a semi detached house at aged 24, and everything was going great.
As he started to live large, his yearning for God became lesser and he started to sway away. At the age of 28, he left the insurance company where he was earning more than 100,000 a year. For several years he did whatever he wished and everything went downhill from there.
In 1990 he came back to the Lord and started serving the Lord once again. He changed his ways once more and in return earned much more than he could imagine, earning a few million in just a couple of years. In short he however, started to sway once more, being human after all, he let the best get to him. “Once we have our own thing and we can work on our own, we forget about the Lord. The less you do for Him, He gives you less” he said.
From 2000 to 2008 he struggled once again and this time for twice as long. He began to lose heart as he didn’t have much at all yet still relied on his own power. “I fell three times! But I praise the Lord that each time I came back to Him, He will never ever leave me because he knows who I am. Even though my own father did not want me, my father in Heaven wants me!”
Through his struggles, he realised that he wasn’t very smart after all for trying to rely on himself. A lesson well learnt. He said, “Now that I know, I will not do less of His work but more” Now everything he asks of the Lord, the Lord provides without delay. “It is very important to stay close to the Lord. Whatever you do be with the Lord, for He will answer us” he shared.
John 14:6 – Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
After the moment of sharing, they evangelistic event closed with singing and prayer. Everyone left blessed with the knowledge that they need to keep their faith and stay close to the Lord, even in trying times.
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