Evangelical Charismatic Churches of Malaysia (ECCM)’s 2024 Christmas Luncheon A Time of Joyous Fellowship but also of Sober Reflection



Much like the Council of Churches of Malaysia (CCM), the Evangelical Charismatic Churches of Malaysia (ECCM) was founded to promote and nurture relationships amongst its member ministers and churches. Primarily a uniting and ecumenical body, its mission is the strengthening and equipping of ministers to be more effective in building and multiplying strong churches, while their mission is to impact our nation for Jesus Christ through strong local churches and church plants around the country that uphold the high moral and ethical standards taught in the Bible. 


The Christmas luncheon was a prayerful time and also one of joyous fellowship over great food.


Earlier this month, up to 130 pastors and leaders from various churches gathered at Wisma Eagles for their Christmas Luncheon 2024. This is a very much anticipated event every year where many pastors from all over the nation gather to connect and reestablish friendships and relationships. 

The gathering was divided into two halves with a coffee break in between. After the opening praise and worship led by Ps Michelle, Rev Yuen Woh shared an encouraging devotion through the illustration of the three wise men or magi. The three magi followed the Star of Bethlehem in faith and obedience on a long journey into an unfamiliar land, and found a miracle at the end of it. Through their story, we learn that when we obey God with humility, He supplies, among other things, all our provision and secure & steadfast protection, gives us His surpassing peace, and the greatest reward of all, brings us into His larger purpose. 


Rev Voon Yuen Woh sharing his devotion.
Up to 130 pastors and leaders from various churches gathered at Wisma Eagles for their Christmas Luncheon 2024.


Pastor Thomas Raj gave a poignant testimony of how despite being somewhat of a ‘prodigal son’ and never thinking he would ever be a full-time pastor and minister, God never gave up on His greater plan for his life. In time, Pr Thomas grew through a simple faith like the apostle Peter’s, to plant several churches in the northern region of our nation.


Pastor Thomas Raj
Pr Justin Segar officiated and facilitated the fellowship and unity gathering.


Before the coffee break, Joyce Eu, the Principal of Tung Ling Seminary, introduced the seminary, its curriculum, and its objective of systematically integrating both academic and practical knowledge in its equipping and training of Christian ministries. Rev Eu Hong Seng, the senior pastor of Full Gospel Tabernacle, the host church, serves as chairman of the seminary.  


Joyce Eu, the Principal of Tung Ling Seminary
Among his many responsibilities, Rev Dr Eu Hong Seng also serves as the chairman of Tung Ling Seminary


The two main speakers, Rev David Ramayah and Rev Dr Eu Hong Seng delivered sobering reflections after the coffee break. Rev Ramayah’s message was a reevaluation of pastoral and ministerial roles while Rev Eu Hong Seng’s was about taking stock of the state of the Church as we wait for Christ’s Second Coming. 


Many friends came together in this memorable event. Besides Rev David Ramayah and Rev Eu, many are friends of Christianity Malaysia as well, including Pr Dianithi, Rev Jai Kumar, and Pr Clarance Shashi.


Rev David Ramayah’s Message

Rev David shared that every ministry worker will one day be called to give account to God for their lives. Even Jesus was not exempt from this, as we read in John 17 (look particularly at John 17:4). Furthermore, in Revelations 1, we also read of how some of the pastors from the Seven Churches were called to account. God’s holiness is beyond comprehension and we need to have reverence for Him. 


The message Rev David delivered was a reflective one.


The focus of every pastor should not be on themselves but on God – that God may be glorified through their ministries. ‘When we worship Him, worship with all our being,’ Rev David exhorted. ‘Just like the apostle Paul, the calling of every pastor is that we may one day be able to say “I have preached the word”. “Men shall not live by bread alone but through every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’” This is the work of every pastor’s ministry and our lives should center around the gospel. Our lives should be one of integrity – that we be true to ourselves in what we do and teach.’

Rev David also shared that there is power in evangelism. In the Bible, we read about the woman with the issue of blood. For years, this woman had lived in loneliness and suffering. The Bible did not record who spoke to her about Jesus but somebody spoke to her, and one touch from her on Jesus’s cloak was enough to transform and bring hope into her life. 


The congregation and Rev Dovid in worship and prayer.


“The weight of leadership is that we may leave a legacy. Desire Him and His presence. Cultivate an intimate prayer life. Take up the challenge to do the work well, not through our own strengths, but through the goodness of God and through our faithfulness to Him. There is no such thing as retirement. The reward for faithfulness is more work and greater responsibilities in His ministry.

“We are not called to impress people, we are called to be impactful, so that people may see Christ in us. God should be the one who holds dominion in our ministries.” 


Rev Dr Eu Hong Seng’s Message 

Rev Eu shared that whenever we celebrate Christmas, he is reminded that another year is coming to a close and that Christ’s Second Coming is drawing ever closer. Christ’s Second Coming will not be like the first. It’s going to cause a great shaking, the likes the world has never seen.


Rev Eu imparted a very sobering message.


In Hebrews 12:27-29, we read of this Great Shaking – the removal of things that are shaken in order that the things that cannot be shaken may remain. Among the things that will remain will be God’s Kingdom.  Revelation 6: 13-17 also describes this Great Shaking:


13 and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind. 14 The heavens receded like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place.

15 Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty, and everyone else, both slave and free, hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains. 16 They called to the mountains and the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! 17 For the great day of their wrath has come, and who can withstand it?”


In the midst of this, the sealed people of God will enjoy His protection (Revelation 7). The breaking down of structures, of law and order, of moral standards is moving at a fast pace and in many parts of the world we see a deconstruction of democracy. Even the Church is not exempt from this weakening of building blocks. Rev Eu shared many factors indicating there is a current rapid weakening of churches and faith even among Christians. We need to take stock of this. 


Christmas points to Christ’s first coming but it also reminds us that Christ is going to come again. The Church is called to take stock of its spiritual health. Will we be ready when Jesus comes again? (pic ref: wordpress)


Christmas points to Christ’s first coming but it also reminds us that Christ is going to come again. Rev Eu noted that when Christ comes again, He will bring with Him judgment. The unclean will not be found on the highway of holiness. We need to re-align ourselves with God. The challenge to us is this; when Christ returns again, will He find a Church that’s ready? Hebrews 12: 28-29 exhorts us:


28 Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, 29 for our “God is a consuming fire.”


The messages by Rev David and Rev Hong Seng were not typically Christmassy in the sense of being ‘cosy and comforting’ but they are extremely important. There was much joyous fellowship and much sober reflection.  


ECCM’s Christmas Luncheon 2024 was a time of much joyous fellowship and also of much sober reflection.


Christianity Malaysia would like to thank the Church of Full Gospel Tabernacle Subang Jaya, Rev Dr Eu Hong Seng, and in particular, Pr Justin Segar for their hospitality and help in the production of this article. All photos from the event kindly contributed by Pr Segar and FGT Subang Jaya.


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