4 June 2013 by Natasha Kim CM –
There was an explosive burst of energy at CHCKL (City Harvest Church Kuala Lumpur) when over 2000 students from all over Klang Valley gathered together for the youth rally of the year! Organized by the youth ministry, they managed to get the word out to students from 21 high schools and close to 50 Universities. The hall, the entrance and the parking lot were filled with youths! It was nothing short of a great night as the youths enjoyed loads of food, special performances, music, dance, and exciting videos by the creative media of CHCKL.

The rally captured the hearts and minds of many youths, many were very responsive. One of the highlights was the fastest talker competition. It was held to commence and pave the way to the Emerge Conference that will be held in August and September. Definitely another exciting event to look forward to!
Empowering the Youths
There was a special speaker in their midst that night. It was none other than Pat Mesiti. The well known author and speaker has spoken for, and shared the platform globally with some of the world’s most influential people including, Sir Richard Branson, Donald Trump, Denis Waitley, Robert Kiyosaki, Mark Victor Hansen, Jim Rohn, the late Charlie “Tremendous” Jones, Captain Jerry Coffee, Allan Pease, Bob Proctor, Willie Jolley, Morris Goodman “The Miracle Man”, and many more.
The highly effective communicator and most notably an income acceleration coach. His goal is to equip and empower individuals. Pat is committed to helping raise 10,000 millionaires through his works.

Laughter filled the room as he really encouraged the youth in a humorous manner, and was able to connect with them on a deeper level. He talked to them about decisions in life and said “Choose life! Every one of us has got the capacity to choose. You choose how you want to live your life.” If you’re in school and you want to get an “A” then you need to choose to pick up a book, as easy as that. The Holy Spirit helps those who help themselves. We know that books are important because, “God sent His son but left His book! Books will not go any faster than your ability to read them” shared Pat.
You choose your life, however there are of course some things you did not choose about yourself. With that Pat then started talking about how he wasn’t able to choose his height. However, there are things you can choose, like to live a pure life and even how you react in situations. “If someone spits on you, they didn’t make you mad, they just made you wet. You chose to get mad!” shared Pat.

Pointers on How to make Good Decisions in Life:-
1) Decide
“Motion beats meditation every day. God cannot steer a parked car” he said. You have got to move in the direction that you want in life. Don’t let laziness get in the way of what you want, it’s a poor excuse. Make sure you make the best out of your life on earth. “If you want to be prosperous, go where prosperous people go, read what prosperous people read, listen to what they listen to. Don’t wait for a temptation to decide in the heat of the moment. Decide before the temptation!” said Pat.

2) Slow Down
“You can have a right vision in a wrong time” he said. He then shared the story of Moses in the Bible where he had a vision to deliver God’s people, however in the wrong time, he killed an Egyptian. “A little girl wants to get married so she goes to her mother’s cupboard and takes her wedding dress. Does it fit? No!” he shared. Learn to slow down.
3) Learn to Choose and Refuse
This sounds simple enough. For example if you want to lose weight pick up a fruit and leave the desert. “Nobody wants to go to hell. Unless you’re really weird” he said. You need to choose heaven! Additionally, if you refuse to be poor, then you need to take steps to educate yourself. The point is things just don’t happen with the snap of a finger. God gave you the free will to choose with the confidence that you will choose right.
4) Be a person that gives value to certain things
“Moses said he esteemed certain things, the things of God” shared Pat. On a deeper level he shared that we need to value things that esteem our soul. “If you want to go to heaven, then do things to get you there! If you esteem your mom and dad, you will be obedient to them, even when they’re wrong” he said. Weighing the importance of things is crucial. A kilogram of dirt weighs the same as a kilogram of diamonds, but which would you choose?

5) Take Action
“Moses had to leave Egypt. Abraham had to move another country. We love miracles but every time there’s a miracle there’s an action to it! Without action there’s no result” he strongly said, before finally closing with a prayer.

The Upcoming Emerge Conference 2013!
During the rally, the various universities had set up booths for those who would like to take part in the upcoming Emerge Conference. Four different clusters consisting of different universities gathered to represent their teams during the rally. Emerge 2013 will run for four months, during which participants from various tertiary institutions will compete in over 30 categories of activities across three areas: sports, games and the arts. Take part in the three day conference (August 30, 31 & September 1, 2013) filled with explosive performances, competition finals and experience the presence of the living God!

Registration has started and only costs RM50 per person! For more info, visit our Facebook page at Facebook.com/emergekl or send us an email at emergekl2013@gmail.com
Dear Viewers in Christ, if you find this article edifying to you, please share with your friends or loved ones by using the social media plugs (Share, Email to this article). The Lord will surely bless you as you bless others. May the Lord’s peace and love be with you. Amen.
Hi there, just wanted to mention, I enjoyed this post. It was funny. Keep on posting!
I believe God want us to achieved our best in life and give us windom to live a victorious life, but using God's words and fit into our conventional motivation 3 point slide which the world also offer just don't cut it.
I really hope City Harvest Church KL can focus on building intimacy with God and deeper relationship with God with the strenght of the Holy Spirit.Not teaching young kids how to achieved success in life with his/her own strenght.
I understand is very attractive topic for young kids to attract them to church, but not in a way to dilute the good news into "step 1 to 7" point form to achieved great success in life and tell the world that what Jesus offer if you follow Him. That's prosperity gosple no matter how you put it.
We grow with Chist though brokeness and hardship when Christ mold us and not bless us like crazy and give us comfort. But CHKL leaders knows it deep in thier heart but no one willing to admit the it…..