Brilliant and determined, Emmy toiled to reach the pinnacle of what life could offer, only to find herself in a state of an unexplainable emptiness. Fueled with confusion and defeat, Emmy decided that she should take a leap of misplaced and undignified courage: a leap from the edge of a rooftop, a leap believed to put an end to her erratic life.
Can Emmy find a glimmer of hope in a hostile world?
This Easter, journey with Emmy as she revisits the darkest parts of her life that draw out the familiar sentiments of rejection, loneliness, anger, and the surprising turn of events to bring about a new-found hope in her life.
The musical is based on true life events, set through the 70s and 90s.
Originally written and produced by Charis Christian Centre.
Date : 16th April 2017
Time : 10am – 12pm (Cantonese), 5pm – 7pm (English)
Venue : Dewan Wawasan, Menara PGRM
凭着聪明才智与坚定毅力地奋斗, Emmy达到了她的人生巅峰。然而, 她却在这最高峰时期, 发现自己内心竟然拥有不应该出现并且无法理解的空虚感。带着满满的疑惑和打击, Emmy决定作出一个毫无尊严并且错误的跳跃: 一个从屋顶边缘的跳跃; 一个她相信可以结束她不稳定生命的跳跃。
在这个来临的复活节, 让我们和Emmy一起重新探索她生命中的最黑暗, 挖掘出熟悉的情绪所引出的孤独, 愤怒, 新希望, 拒绝 以及 排斥。
时间:早上10点 – 中午12点 (粵語), 傍晚5点 – 晚上7点 (英语)
地点:Dewan Wawasan, PGRM民政大厦
How to get your tickets online? Follow these simple steps:
Step 1 | 步骤 1:
Click on the following link: | 请点击以下的链接:
English: 英语
Chinese: 华语
Step 2 | 步骤 2:
Key in the number of tickets wished to obtain and proceed to checkout.
输入愿获取入场劵的数量,然后请点击 ‘Checkout’。
Step 3 | 步骤 3:
Register for the event by filling in the required fields. Details of family and/or friends are required when obtaining more than one ticket.
在输入您的个人资料后,请点击 ‘Register’。若您将为您的朋友/家人获取入场劵,请您为您的朋友/家人输入他们的个人资料。
Step 4 | 步骤 4:
Yay! You’re going to EMMY – An Easter Production. Tickets will be sent via email.
Don’t forget to invite the others!
恭喜您!您将参与 ‘Emmy – An Easter Production’。您的入场劵将会透过电子邮件传送给您。记得邀请您的朋友与家人哦!
Yay! You’re going to EMMY – An Easter Production. Tickets will be sent via email.
Don’t forget to invite the others!
恭喜您!您将参与 ‘Emmy – An Easter Production’。您的入场劵将会透过电子邮件传送给您。记得邀请您的朋友与家人哦!
To find out more, you may visit the production’s Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/events/1234343696601210/
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