Effective Fervent Prayer Seminar with Ps Julius Suubi


On the first day of his seminar on Effective Fervent Prayer, Ps Julius Suubi told the crowd that the seminar was “to impart and raise you up to a higher level of prayer.”

“In prayer school we used to do theoretical things for many years. But the Lord spoke to me to change our approach,” said Ps Suubi. “We began to see many breakthroughs and revivals in people’s lives and churches.”


The seminar crowd at Good News Fellowship.


“People know so much about prayer and intercession. There are books on prayer, some you read and some you buy and dump it there,” he said. We live in one of the most blessed time in history where you can read books and on the internet about prayer. “Even with so many books, we never pray,” he continued.

“Prayer is a practical thing. Prayer is spirit,” he said. “Tonight we are going to have one hour of teaching and one hour of prayer. At least you know you have prayed a minimum of one hour every day.”

“Prayer is the hard part. To teach is easy. Listening is the easiest. But prayer is the most fruitful part,” he said.

Prayer is a journey in the realm of the spirit, he defined. “Prayer is a tool, access to the realm of the spirit,” he added.

“God’s desire is for us to get lost in prayer. Many people’s prayers are not fruitful because of the mind,” Ps Suubi said, saying distractions made us lose focus on Jesus.

The way God created you; you have a spirit wired to deal with the realm of the spirit. The mind understands the spiritual realm. When we think about other things, our ability to hear from God is compromised.

Prayer is also adoring and worshiping God. “Friends, prayer is not a boring experience,” he told having been in the field for many years. Few countries have gone through what my country Uganda have gone through, he said. We have prayed by force. We had bad government and leaders. We went through some very hard stuff, he continued.

He talked about coming from a large family of 28 children. Half of his brothers and sisters have died from aids. “We have to pray due to our difficult situations,” he told. With prayer, God transformed our nations, individuals and churches. So many revivals have taken place in my country, he said.


Ps Julius Suubi.


“Many times people think prayer is a boring experience. Religious prayer is a boring experience; no life, no fire, no anointing,” he said. “When we pray, we open our mouths,” he said. When we open our mouths to pray, we fill it with good things.

Prayer of the fervent is like boiling food. Have you ever heard food boiling quietly? You hear it, it knocks the cover away. When you pray fervently, you can hear your prayer. Demons are looking for places to rest where there’s no fire and no heat.

“That’s why we’re going to be boiling,” Ps Suubi said. Pray in the spirit. Pray fervently. Sicknesses, depression, will run away from your life. No demon can sit in you. “Pray until the demons start to discuss about you.”

Prayer is a romantic experience with the Father. Prayer is exciting; religion has made prayer a boring experience. One hour of prayer is a good beginning, he said.



Jesus is a man of prayer. He never performed miracles because He’s the Son of God. He moves in signs and wonders because He prays. Jesus fasted 40 days and nights before we began to see miracles. “Your titles (prophets, apostles, etc.) do not entitle you to work in the realm of the miraculous.”

“Don’t let people who do not pray lead prayer meetings,” he said. The spirit of prayer is an infectious spirit. Impartation to pray comes from association with people who pray. The spirit of prayer is like bad flu, you just get it.

“Spend more time praying for spiritual blessing,” he said. In the later part of the seminar, the pastor called those wants to receive the power of the Holy Ghost or speak in tongues. All those in the seminar spent 45 minutes praying in the spirit before leaving the place.

Ps Julius Suubi is here in Kuching on his second visit to conduct the seminar from March 23-27, 2013 at the Good News Fellowship. The 5-day seminar was organized by Full Gospel Business Men Fellowship and Kuching Ministers Fellowship.


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