5 March 2014 –
The day Wong left the hospital was the most grievous day for him. He had no home to return to, upon his diagnosis of latent tuberculosis and HIV. But this is the time when Wong needed his family the most in keeping his sickness under control. With his scrawny and feeble body, – This, is his story … Seeing People with HIV/ AIDS through God’s Eyes.
Recently, on the 14-17 of Feb 2014, Crisis Home‘s residents were in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah sharing on HIV/AIDS awareness.

Many do not understand HIV is NOT contagious. There are specific ways in which it is transmitted. Generally, the virus is transmitted only through intercourse or shared syringes, but occasionally, there are cases where the disease is inherited or through an unclean blood transfusion or medical inoculation. Misinformations about HIV/AIDS are still common. Many recognize the dangers of HIV/AIDS but very few are familiar with preventive measures. We cannot afford to be lax about such things. Awareness about the disease is very important, not just for ourselves but also in educating us in how we treat patients with it.

Most have received their information from unreliable sources such as films or from friends who lacked understanding of the disease. Informing people in the wrong way creates fear, stigma and discrimination. Indeed, during the 1980s when the HIV/AIDS epidemic broke out, many threw the judgement that this was God’s punishment on sinners, and that everyone with HIV were the most abject sinners.

The reality is that HIV/AIDS affects everyone. It breaks life and relationships. It causes shame in its patients in addition to the suffering in health that they have to go through. But, because many people think that it will not affect them, they don’t take precautions.

Realizing the importance of this issue, Crisis Home aims to continue the work of raising awareness as well as educating people towards HIV/AIDS and its patients. Crisis Home is non-profit and depends on donation in order for the support of the work they do. With generous financial support, they have been providing people living with HIV and AIDS with hope and restoration in a relationship with a Redemptive Father.
Most of Crisis Home residents has been infected with HIV for 10 years or more and having experienced the LOVE and grace of God in their lives for the past 7 years, are glad to share their testimony and give Glory to God. More information about Crisis Home and their work can be found on www.crisishome.org or through contact person Isaac Tan at 016 2727 072.
Hosea 4:6a
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…
Proverbs 18:15
An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.
Matthew 25:40
40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
Galatians 5:14
For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
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