23th Nov 2012. By Mindy Oon, Ipoh. CM –
Pregnancy can be a scary thing, for mothers, as well as fathers, especially the first time round. While it is a joyful thing to be expecting a child, and it is indeed true when the Psalmist says that “Like arrow in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one’s youth. Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them.” (Psalms 127: 4-5), carrying a growing baby in the womb is can be anything but easy. With such drastic changes to the body in such a short period of time, many expecting parents have times when they worry about health, diet, labour pain and preparing for the baby. Throw into the mix daily stressors and hormonal changes, expecting moms and by proxy, dads, are bound to have bad days!
As a first time mom expecting a little boy, I was given a list of items to confess daily. Remembering Proverbs 18 : 21 which says that “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit”, I started to speak health and life to my body and the baby that was coming. And as I confessed daily, the first three months went by without any morning sickness. Even better, when my friend Keem who was also pregnant asked me how I dealt with morning sickness, I shared the list of confession with her, and as she started confessing health to her body, her morning sickness disappeared within a few days.
Except for complications due to a condition I had before, both our pregnancies went relatively smoothly. I experienced God’s protection over my little one when the complications arose, barely had any swollen feet, only had two stitches from the delivery, and was blessed with a pleasant natured baby. Keem experienced God’s miracle when her baby girl was born – she did not tear at all during the delivery. And whenever she relates this to people, they are amazed that such a thing is possible.
Below is the list of confessions which I confessed daily. It helped me greatly during my nine months, and if you are an expecting parent, I hope that it blesses you too.
1. We have a perfect, healthy, normal baby.
2. I have a perfect pregnancy.
3. I have a perfect short, easy, painless delivery with no complications.
4. The baby is positioned properly and will come out properly, head first, face down and will rotate as it should.
5. I cover my placenta, uterus, and umbilical cord with the blood of Jesus.
6. Nothing from my body can filter into my baby unless Jesus says it can.
7. The blood of Jesus purifies everything that goes into the baby to keep it perfect.
8. The cord is the perfect length and is positioned right where the Lord wants it.
9. I claim Psalm 91 for the protection of the baby.
10. The baby is going to come precisely when the Lord has foreordained.
11. We have a good baby that is easy to take care of.
12. We have a happy, smiling, pleasant-natured baby.
13. I am not going to tear at all or have any other adverse effects from the labour or delivery.
14. I am not going to get any stretch marks, varicose veins, broken blood vessels, dry, peeling skin, puffy or swollen legs or ankles, or any other negative symptoms of pregnancy.
15. I am going to have perfect figure after the baby is born.
16. I have perfect, healthy blood and perfect circulation.
17. We are scriptural parents, and we know how to bring up our children in the nurture and admoniton of the Lord.
18. I am not going to gain xxkg during pregnancy (put in your own weight)
19. As soon as the devil brings fear to my mind, I immediately cast it out.
20. I put all my trust in Jesus – not in the flesh.
21. Death and Life are in the power of the tongue, therefore we speak life to out baby with out tongue. We command it to live.
22. The baby and I get the proper amount of rest each day.
Feel free to add to the list, and remember always that there is power in the words you speak!
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