Since 16th September 2012 when bro Robin Piong first founded Christianity Malaysia, everyone involved have gone through an enriching journey with the Lord as our CEO. For 5 years, through the triumphs and the challenges, He has been faithful with His providence and His sanctuary.

On the 20th of August 2017, we celebrated our 5th anniversary dinner at The Summit Hotel in USJ. It was a time of celebration, a time of catching up with faithful supporters from the various churches and ministries that have been partnering with us for all these years. Many volunteers from various churches contributed wholeheartedly to the success of the celebration, giving their all in performances, worship leading, and as ushers.

Rev Dianithi who is now our Ministry Director, took on the role as Organizing Chairman for our 5th Anniversary Dinner and some members of the working committee included Ps John Hong, bro Dharma, and bro Martin Ambrose. We thank everyone involved from the bottom of our hearts.

Bro Robin Piong, founder and Assistant CEO of Christianity Malaysia, shared about the importance and power of the social media sphere in the sharing of the Gospel. Since its inception, Christianity Malaysia has been laid on the foundation of Luke 8:16:
“No one lights a lamp and hides it in a clay jar or puts it under a bed. Instead, they put it on a stand, so that those who come in can see the light.
He shared that just as it says in the verse, we are all a candle for the Lord, equipped by the Lord through His light to be witnesses for Him on this earth. We look forward to testimonies of believers and Christian ministries to be told, and there’s no better medium to do so than online, where there is unlimited reach, sometimes reaching even a million people in a single week. ‘It is seed planting, and we believe that the Holy Spirit will do His part for the day of harvest,’ he conveyed.

2016 and 2017 has been years of growing pains for us. But the Lord has been good. We still have faithful followers who have stayed with us throughout the whole time, and today we are blessed with more than 220,000 people on our Facebook page. Statistically, we have about an equal number of men and women subscribers.

Facebook has proved to be an invaluable asset. On average, our bible verse and Christian-related quotes without boost has a daily reach of over 6,300 people and daily engagement of over 460 people. Our articles have a daily reach on average of over 1,600 people, with the average daily engagement of over 80 people. On a good day, an average of 150,500 of our fans are online daily.
Popular articles like the one about Gurmit Singh entitled ‘The Man behind Gurmit Singh’ reached over 79,000 people with over 1,200 shares and over 2,200 likes. The article entitled ’10 things that Jesus would say to us in a time of GST’ reached over 183,000 people with over 580 shares and over 1,600 likes. And the article entitled ‘Biggest Triad Gang Leader to Pastor of Ex-Triad Members – Teddy Hung’ reached over 450,000 people with over 1,100 shares and over 1,700 likes.

But this is also a time where we need to regain our strength and rebuild. We are currently working hard towards self-financing. For this, we need able and willing people who are interested in sowing into the ministry. Some considerations are in providing a place where Christians can promote their businesses or events through banner ads, and also a place for jobs listing. However, as a non-profit organisation, donations and love gifts will also be of great help. The minimal sum collected will go towards contributing to the operational costs of the ministry as well as any charity work the Lord may impart into our hearts.

As an evangelical ministry, we also need writers who have a passion for the Gospel. We have a vision of 2 writers positioned in each state to provide news and coverage of Christian events. We can cover more ground and we can work towards one of our vision statement of the unity of the Body of Christ in Malaysia. Already, we have recruited some writers with the initiative to write for the Lord, who will soon be writing their first event and news coverage articles for us. But we need more, ideally those who can contribute from outside the Klang Valley as well.

Rev Jack Piong, the current COO (Christ Operating Officer) of Christianity Malaysia, outlined the 6 vision statement:
To serve others with Christian online inter-denominational news.
To help highlight and promote upcoming Christian events or seminars to attain a wider reach and audience.
To help preserve Christian news and testimonies that may be lost without any records.
To constantly enrich our readers with daily devotional scriptures through our website and other sources, for example through CM’s Facebook.
To serve as a bridge to promote job opportunities and business as well as event opportunities through our job listing tab and our advertising banner. (As a Christian media, we have a certain focus).
To have an identical “Local Christian online News Portal” in various nations in different parts of the world.
We continue to exist as a channel for the Gospel, and much vital news were provided, because of loyal contributors and supporters. Our work gained meaning because of supportive subscribers faithfully following our content. Christianity Malaysia would like to take the opportunity once more to thank every faithful supporter from the bottom of our hearts. We envision bigger things for the Lord, but we cannot do this alone. Each one of you would play an important role in turning these visions into reality.
NOTE: If you are called or are interested in finding out how you can support the ministry or be a partner to it (through financial means or as a contributing writer), you may email us at editor@christianitymalaysia.com, jack@christianitymalaysia.com, or jason@christianitymalaysia.com Christianity Malaysia pays for every EVENT coverage article contributed by our freelance writers.
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