17 April 2013 by James Hoh CM-
Lutheran Church Malaysia and Singapore (LCMS) at Kampung Batu Sembilan Cheras started during the Emergency in the 1960's when people were grouped into new villages because of the Communist insurgency.
Due to the lack of amenities and poor living condition, churches were called to assist in these new villagers. Kampung Batu Sembilan Cheras Village was one of those resettlement areas given to LCMS to provide amenities to assist the people.
Today massive residential development envelops the church. Rev Lau Tong Hoong who is also a registered counselor, has been pastoring the English speaking congregation here since 2008. He was formerly the pastor of Damansara Utama Lutheran Church (DULC) before assuming the pastoral position here.

The church has an English congregation of 60 and a Chinese congregation of 80. Rev Lau preaches in English while his associate pastors minister to the Chinese-speaking members. Although they have rather small congregations, it is interesting to note that its members come from as far as Kepong and Puchong. They were staying near the church many years ago but have moved away. They are the pillars of the church today.

“Once a month we have a combined service for Holy Communion and get-together because we are very much a family church. We are two congregations under one church council and one roof,” Rev Lau said.
The church also started the Lutheran Kindergarten next to it, using the church’s old premise.
“This year we have the best enrolment!” Rev Lau was quick to point out that although it was set up 10 years ago, they have 95 students this year – it’s a new record for the kindergarten.

We have a weekly chapel service for them while the Malay pupils would go for their Chinese language classes.
“People seemed to have the idea that studying here would automatically secure a place at the Chinese primary school next to the church. This is not so, for they have to apply to the school authority,” He said adding that the school and the church are two separate entities.
However, one of the church members happens to be on the board of governors in that primary school. The school has invited us to start the Boys Brigade as part of their extra curriculum on Saturday because they see the good character development through participating in the Boys Brigade.

“We are the 1st company of Boys Brigade started some 40 years ago. It is known for its discipleship, good moral teachings and character development and it is not restricted to Christians,” he said.
“This is another ministry that links us to the community. We are very confident of this ministry. Families staying around here have no qualms of sending their boys and girls here though they are of different faiths,” he said.
“We also have a home-work class in the morning and the afternoon for poorer segment of the community. We will coach them to do well in their school work. Some of the youth gave a helping hand,”

The church rewarded those who scored As in their SPM exams. Students will get RM100 for each A they score. Many of them become rich because they have obtained 9As and 10As. A church member sponsored the whole programme which has given out some RM8,000 so far.
“We have to provide facilities to help children and youth sbut the place is simply too restricted now. So we want to put up a new building in its place. In fact, the church has purchased a new piece of land next to the church for this purpose,” he said.

“Plans have been submitted to the authorities so we continue to pray for it to be approved soon.” said the cheery Rev Lau.
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