1 March by David Liew-
It all began with just one man and his obedience to God. In 1948, Pastor Stephen Wang left China for a one-year study leave to Cambridge, England. The communist takeover of China in 1949 made him an exile from his own homeland and family. To go back would warrant arrest due to his close association with the West, as he was the head master of one of the largest Methodist High Schools in China back then.
Because he saw the Chinese in Europe has no one to lead them to Christ, a seed was planted in his heart. He was asked, “Stephen, why are you here? Why has God not allowed you to return home?” In his exile, God gave him a vision and a passion to reach the Chinese in the West, which he initially turned them down. It was too uncomfortable being in a foreign country but he could not escape the vision. God was remolding his heart from an ambitious educationalist to become His evangelist amongst the Chinese residing in Europe and also the foreign Asian scholars in Europe so that they could become an influencer when they return to their home country.

In 1950, Pastor Stephen Wang founded the Chinese Church in London. And to-date, under the leadership of Mary Wang who succeeded Pastor Stephen Wang in 1971, there are currently more than 200 Chinese Churches and fellowships all over Europe. Not to mention, it also has more than 50 missionaries from around the world labouring in Europe. Rev. Henry Lu from USA succeeded sister Mary Wang in 2008.
Indeed, the seed has multiplied to bring blessings to many and to glorify God!
In John 12:24, Jesus replied:
The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.
And COCM has reached out to second generation Chinese in Europe, immigrants, students from Southeast Asia, restaurant workers and professionals.
Watch this video for what Chinese students think!
Today the heavy responsibility and privilege of taking the Gospel back to the spiritually dry Europe is now on the shoulders of our generation. One church is sold off every two weeks in the United Kingdom and less than 2 per cent of the Europeans attend church on Sundays. These formerly beautiful architectural church buildings have now become offices, welfare homes and place of worship of other faith. Please pray for COCM on embarking “ Reaching The Chinese To Reach Europe “.
God is always faithful! In 2003, God miraculously provided a new mission centre and bible college to COCM at Milton Keynes. This centre can accommodate 40 live-in persons. Strategic in location, it is located just north of London, close to two airports. You are most welcome to visit and stay at this centre.
Leaving you with the theme song of COCM entitled ‘Facing a Task Unfinished’ written by Rev. Bishop Frank Houston, the first Chairman of COCM, please meditate and pray for this ministry:
Facing a task unfinished
That drives us to our knees
A need that, undiminished
Rebukes our slothful ease
We, who rejoice to know Thee
Renew before Thy throne
The solemn pledge we owe Thee
To go and make Thee known
We would much value your participation through prayers, support, and sending short-term and long-term missionaries to Europe.
Please refer to the website www.cocm.org.uk and email davidckliew@gmail.com for further enquiries.
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