4th December 2012 by Donna Uning – CM
At the crack of dawn, the children were up and ready for a full day ahead. Wearing official camp t-shirts which boldly proclaim “Our Father in Heaven” Matt. 6:9; it was time to take over the city of Kuching. But first, time for a group photo.

Day 3: How long does it take to assemble 300 people with more than half of them children below 12 for a group photo? I don’t really know, but it sure was fun to watch! Everyone stayed in the auditorium for corporate prayer led by Reverend Kamor Diah, Bro. Noel Bucking, Sis. Grace Lee, Superintendent Anna Richard, Bro. Billy Tan, Sis. Anna Kong, Sis. Sylvia Ng, and Sis. Orlinda Nathan Yeo.
Together with the objective of the prayer camp, the leaders and campers pray for each “7 Mountains” of external influences in the city. The seven mountains influences in culture here are religion, family, education, government, media, arts and entertainment, and business – Seven mountains prayer strategy by Loren Cunningham (Youth with a Mission) and Bill Bright (Campus Crusade for Christ) http://www.reclaim7mountains.com/. The significance of the prayer drive was explained to the children during the workshops prior to the trip. After the prayers, the campers proceed to their respective groups.
Six forty-seater buses await the prayer warriors at the church premise to take them to their “mountains”. Singing songs of praise and worship, and prayer throughout the entire journey, the children, teachers and helpers took on two separate routes to their strategic places.

The areas covered by Team A were The Spring, Sarawak General Hospital, Sarawak Club, Museum Grounds, St. Thomas Cathedral and school, Medan Pelita, and MBKS. Team B headed to Jalan Tabuan Roundabout, Wisma Hopoh, Waterfront, Sarawak Plaza, HSBC Bank, Crown Square and MBKS.
At the Kuching Waterfront stopover, group leaders, led by Sister Grace Lee went down the bus to sprinkle salt into the river to purify and give life to the city. The final destination rested at the MBKS building. After another group photo and plenty of ice-cream, the campers headed back to church for lunch.
That afternoon, campers were busy preparing their pageantry, presentations, testimonies, cheers, and banners for the final night concert. Church leaders continued planting prayers in and around the church compound. The act of faith was accentuated by embedding the grounds with words of God on metal chopsticks with bible verses.
“My son, pay attention to what I say; listen closely to my words. Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart; for they are life for those who find them and health to a man’s whole body.” Proverbs 4:20-22 (NIV).

By six o’clock, parents, guests, and church members began to fill the Parish Hall for a final celebration dinner with their children. By eight, a parade of colorful banners, music and dance by the children and helpers invaded the auditorium. The atmosphere was totally awesome.
“The Lord gave us anointing to speak different languages,” proclaimed Superintendent Anna Richard during her opening message. Apart from learning about their Father in heaven, prayer, and names of God, the children know who they are and their faith. “These children are agents of change. We don’t have to worry because God will guide them. They are healed and reaffirmed!” she said adding that the children were taught how to hear from God.
She also mentioned how encouraged everybody was by the caring helpers (mostly teens) and the teachers who helped fortified their resources. “God is good. We believe for 250 campers next year, to train them and to know their God!” Just like the Prophet Samuel who knew God from young, she added.

The performances started with the camp theme song, “Everytime I Pray” performed by the campers. The teen helpers did a sketch, followed by all ten teams presenting their banners, cheers, songs and presentations respectively. Team Yahweh Nissi won for overall performance.
Before the end of the concert, the children were asked to show their faith by praying for their parents and guardians. As the children swarmed their families, many were touched hearing how well the children prayed. The spirit-filled room was a powerful scene; children laying hands in prayer over their families. Eight year old Brenda Tan prayed over me.
The concert ended, children packed their bags, and everyone said their goodbyes. Some outstation campers stayed another night; helpers, teachers, committee members continued with the final checks and clean-ups. The prayer camp had officially ended.

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