What does charity work mean to you?


Nov 30 2012, by Johnnie Liew-



Hi! Christmas is around the corner again and this is the SEASON of love that fills the air. If I am in CHRIST JESUS and have no Love, then I am like an empty gong. So mid-November, I will be preparing for a Northern Tribal Village Charity work once again. I read in Matt 9:36-38:

When He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd.

The Lord noticed the pain and hurt of the broken people. He responded by challenging his followers to pray to the Father in sending out workers to respond to the hurts and needs of this dying world.

A compassionate heart for the shepherd-less people compelled me to make a difference in the lives of others.

I pray, “Father, open my eyes to see the hurts and struggles of others. Then open my heart to respond to them, so that through me they see You and Your Love.” A troubled world needs a simple Christian to show care.

Let me share with you what I think charity works mean.


Here’s what I think about possible reasons people who do charity works and what those mean to them (This is my opinion personally, not used to hurt anyone).

1)   They do charity work to gain recognition from media for fame.

2)   They do it to show people of their love and big hearts when their gifts are broadcasted

3)   They do it for thankful gain.

4)   They do it because of a business opportunity.

5)   They do it because their wife or husband are involved in the work.

6)   They do it because for a cause they believed in, carried by a favorable group they have in mind.

For me, I would like to do it not because of any of the reasons above. I think charity work meant helping others for Jesus even if they can never return the favor.

The seeds sowed today will determine the kind of fruits I will reap tomorrow. My charity work is to see the joy in their face.



Now let me share my own experience.

I once rode my motorcycle to Mae Hong Son interior village (somewhere between Myammar and Thailand border). The village people have not seen a big bike before.



Later in the evening I wore a BMW T-shirt for dinner. A young boy noticed the BMW logo printed on the shirt and he exaggerated how great BMW was to his friends, seen from their visible reactions in their faces.

The next cold morning, I woke up and saw that same boy cleaning my bike. I was grateful for his action. After breakfast, as I packed my bags into my bike to leave for another village, I noticed that the same boy again standing near me. Immediately, I took off my t-shirt and handed it to him.

At that very moment, he grabbed the t-shirt, ran and shouted around the whole village. Upon seeing that, the other boys came to me hoping for another t- shirt. Starting my bike engine, that boy came back to wave me goodbye. I was happy because I can see the happiness shining on his face. And I was very happy in the rest of my day as I visited another village.

A secular proverb says: One day begins with one charity, be it a simple one like helping an old lady, paying a food bill for the poor or directing the lost to the right direction.

A simple action speaks a thousand words. So, for my charity work, I do not need to be thanked or rewarded. I will be happy if they see the Christ in me. These villagers who lives in the Northern Tribal Village of the Golden Triangle, did not even know a single word of English. But they can see the gesture and action I do. My reward is that they see Christ in me, the Love of JESUS that overflow in me.

My charitable work rewards, hence, is that people see Christ in the works that I do. And the happiness of my Father up above for the seeds I planted today is my joy!



Now, I do not know if what I am doing is right. Help me. Enlighten me to what charity works mean to you. The statements above are merely my opinion. You have been in the ministry for a long time. You can enlighten me. Please pen down your opinions and thoughts where I can learn to perfection, not 100% but daily carrying the cross to be a better man for GOD’s sake. And for that, I pray to achieve with the support of fellow believers.




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