What Characters do We Look for When We Hire?


22 Nov, 2012, by Adeline Lum CM-


A few days ago, I wrote about Dato Dr Kim Tan who is the speaker at the recent Youth Entrepreneur Seminar (YES) organized by the Full Gospel Businessman (FGB) Fellowship. An established businessman, philanthropist and former rugby club owner based in UK, Kim shared what characters he look for when he hire.




Kim shared that the company is not looking for top students in Cambridge and Oxford who only knew how to pass exams.



“There is a difference between knowledge and competence. Competence is the ability to be creative and bright. And intelligence must have the element of creativity and wisdom,” said Kim.

How do you tackle if an official comes to you for a bribe? How do you deal with such challenging business situations?



Bosses must be creative in creating an environment and culture to promote human development potential, and to identify character that are important for a position.

One day, when Kim was building a cancer hospital, he asked the recruitment executive to not hire anyone who does not smile.



“Technical things can be taught, but smiling cannot be taught. The last thing a cancer patient want to see is a gloom face,” said Kim.



To keep people motivated, it is important to help them be good in work and family balance, lest they get burned out.

His office is only a stone throwaway from his house, allowing him to come and leave work anytime. The proximity also made him more productive because he does not need to beat the traffic.

“We have Skype, emails, video conference. I could be anywhere when I work. I could be on a beach, and I am running my business on a beach,” said Kim.

Once, he visited Mclaren Formula One factory, which was imagined to a very high-pressure business. And yet, he found out that the place was clean and quiet like an operating theatre, with no sense of chaos and manic. Another company in his portfolio was the Electronic Arts, the third largest video gaming company with 1000 employees. One may imagine a pressure-cooker setting, but people were drinking coffee and playing pool, yet they were productive.



“Trust your employees. When you trust them, they perform,” said Kim.


Ferocious resolve, with a “Can do” attitude

When we hire, we want someone who has a passion in doing something, not just a person who has a job.

One of the things he looks at in a cover letter is something hard or challenging, which they have done before, such as stacking shelves. When he started college in England, he worked as a cleaner in the dormitory and potter in the hospital before.



Character, not ethics is the one that matter. Enron’s book of ethics was 60-pages for example, while Cargill, the largest food company in the world, only have about 2 pages of ethical standards. What is the difference? Cargill emphasizes on character not ethics.

Even if you have an extremely intelligent person in the company, if the person is without integrity, then your business will be destroyed.

“Talent will get you to the top, but it is integrity that keeps you at the top. If they are without integrity, they will destroy themselves and sometimes other’s as well at the same time,” said Kim.

The question to ask ourselves is: Do I have the right character myself? Do the people around me have the right character?

“I like to think of a business culture where there are no good or bad surprises, just the truth. There is a culture of fear among employees to tell their boss the truth especially when the business is under a very strong and controlling family. In the boardroom, if we have “yes” man and woman, you will blow up one day,” said Kim.



Among all characters, modesty is the greatest attribute of a successful person. Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu, Aung San Suu Kyi, Warren Buffett and Sir John Templeton, are all highly acclaimed yet very modest people.

Bishop Tutu is the first black South African Archbishop of Cape Town, vigorous activist against Apartheid for more than 30 years and a Noble Prize Winner. When Kim opened his game park in South Africa, Bishop Tutu was invited to the inauguration! Excited, Kim’s father wanted to meet Bishop Tutu.



“I told him (Bishop Tutu) that my father is here and he is 90 years old. And I would like to introduce him to you,” said Kim; to what Tutu replied, “Oh no, he cannot do that, I need to go to him and introduce myself to him. Your dad is older.”

Such humility from a man like Bishop Tutu! This is the guy who built South Africa.

Another example is Sir John Templeton who was a billionaire investor and mutual fund pioneer. He lived in a medium-sized house, drove a 20-year old Cadillac and lived a quiet life by the beach. He listened more than he spoke in meetings and dressed simple. When he died, even the obituary in Times said that “he flew economy.” Could he afford a more lavish life? Of course he can! But he grew up poor and he remembered that.

“If you have someone in the firm who is a flamboyant or show off, be careful, she will destroy your business,” said Kim.

And these people speak to us as Jesus, a humble servant among us. Those who are managers need to learn how to have a selfless service, a sense of modesty.



“When we see our boss have a sense of modesty, the culture changes,” said Kim.



If you want to know more about Kim's impressive resume and insights on how to become and awesome leader, please read more here



Full Gospel Businessmen Fellowship started in 1978 by a group of committed businessmen who was touched by the Holy Spiritwho's vision is to share Christ in the marketplace. For more information on where the nearest FGB chapter is to your office, please visit http://FGB.com.my/ or http://www.facebook.com/pages/FGBMF-Central-Region/117003301659892



All pictures of YES event were adapted from the Full Gospel Businessmen Fellowship Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/pages/FGBMF-Central-Region/117003301659892


All the other pictures were adapted from:







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