Calvary Church’s Calvary Studio an Avenue to Bless and Encourage Local Christian Talent



From the Pentecostal World Conference to the revival meetings such as those with Nathan Morris, the church of Calvary has blessed many Malaysian Christians. Currently they manage the well-known Calvary Convention Center (CCC); the largest convention center dedicated to Christ and the Kingdom’s work in our nation. The convention center is equipped with a sub-dividable 5000-seat auditorium, 100-seat prayer tower, 1000-seating multipurpose hall, and three theaters of 200 to 300-seating.  

Recognizing the fact that there are many local Christians with gifts in the Arts industry, Calvary Church has extended this calling further towards encouraging and blessing local-grown talent.

In 1993, Calvary Communication was established as an extended ministry of the church to provide quality audio visual service and products. The purpose of this ministry was to establish an industry-standard production destination, where professional audio and video production facilities are accessible to the Christian community. Ultimately, the vision was to encourage and nurture the growth of the local Christian talent.



Calvary Communication later created and founded the Calvary Studio with a three-fold mission. It is Calvary Church’s mission that Calvary Studio would play its role towards this vision by providing the best in audio and video production facilities as well as technical and creative resources in audio video production.

Calvary Studio is located at the basement of Calvary Convention Centre (CCC) which is strategically located between Kuala Lumpur and Selangor. The CCC is also adjacent to major highways and accessible to Light Rail Transit (LRT), and has ample parking with over 900 car park bays.


Studio Facilities

Calvary Studio was designed to provide facilities for a variety of recordings. It is located at and is directly accessible via the CCC’s Basement 1 carpark. Measuring a total floor-space of 1800 square feet, the studio is also equipped with a private entrance, a reception area, a lounge, and washrooms. The studio consists of three main areas:


The Control Room

At the heart of Calvary Studio sits the Control Room (260 sq ft) featuring high definition digital audio workstation with the capability to record 16 simultaneous tracks using ProtoolsLooking into the Tracking room through a panoramic window and glass door to the Iso Booth the control room allows the engineer to visually monitor the entire recording space. 


The Tracking Room

The large Tracking room (500 sq ft) can comfortably accommodate a full band, large music ensemble or choir. Providing a clear line of sight to both the control room and isolation booth, it has non-parallel acoustic walls that feature three different types of materials (brick, wood and foam) with RT between 0.6 – 0.8 seconds, to accommodate for a variety of tracking applications. The room with dedicated infrastructure and power for lighting can also do live video recording.


The Isolation Booth 

The Iso Booth (120 sq ft) is the quietest room in the studio, boasting non-parallel walls, floating floor system and state of the art acoustic treatment. It can accommodate 3 vocalists or any acoustic music instruments for precise sound recording. With windows to the Tracking and Control rooms, it can be used independently, or in conjunction with the Tracking room.


Contact Information about Calvary Studio

This is a great opportunity for the local Christian talent. It is Calvary Church’s hope that through the providence of this facility, the local Christian artistic talent will grow to become an effective and competitive force in the industry, with the ultimate aim to glorify God.


Calvary Studio’s Contact:

Calvary Communication

Address:     Calvary Convention Centre

                    Basement: 1

                    No: 1 Jalan Jalil Perkasa 1,

                    Bukit Jalil, 57100 Kuala Lumpur.

Telephone:  603-8999 5518, 603-8999 5578 





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NOTE: All pictures kindly provided and are property of Calvary Church and Studio.

Jon Law

1 Comment

  1. 0

    i recommend nothing. i saw a video project done here, i assume they sync video audio. It wasn’t very good the quality for its price. First they dont have all new things, they mix old and new. Plus they dont have a mixer, how can you do studio mix with out a mixer?? there goes the ‘professional studio’ now its just a studio. Their sound engineer also not so good. vocal recording with SM57? COME ON!! Other studios more seasoned for better price. they use to have a good sound engineer a thin small guy,now the current one is dead beat, the sound in the main hall also very bad on sundays

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