1 Feb 2013 by Adeline Lum-
Sentul Raya, a place nestled at the edge of Kuala Lumpur, grew to become a hustle-bustle hub filled with commercial companies, banks, and eateries. On January 31, I attended a prayer meeting in Sentul Raya, calling for the REVIVAL of the Full Gospel Businessman fellowship here.

“Forty years ago, this place was filled with bad hats. You can’t even walk on the street,” said Yesudas. “But now, look at Sentul. This meeting is not only a prayer, but a CALL to all Christians working in Sentul to come and taste God’s love, and to be the workers of God’s overflowing harvest!”

Dato’ Robert Tan despite his very busy schedule also attended the meeting. He would be the one raising Christian leaders for the Lord in the marketplace in Sentul Raya FGB!
Next, Rev.Muthu, missionary healer kicked started the prayer meeting with a powerful statement, “If Christianity is a religion, I would have left long ago since I accepted Christ at age17 years old. But our God is a living God! He lives and talks to us!” And we are in a relationship with him-JESUS!

John 7:38
Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him.
John 4:13-15
13 Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, 14 but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”
15 The woman said to him, “Sir, give me this water so that I won’t get thirsty and have to keep coming here to draw water.”
God loves a cheerful giver. But Rev. Muthu is talking about the true giverwho is willing to lay down His life for you and me- Jesus Christ!He used to worship God out of fear until he knew Jesus who touched and taught him about love. And that is the greatest gift of God.

When Jesus wanted to go to Jericho from Galilee, he purposed himself to go Samaria instead. Samaritans were considered as a lower class people, whom the Jews wanted nothing to do with them. But Jesus went because He knew in that city; there was one woman who needed the touch and revelation from God. Normally, women from the city would go to the well of Jacob to draw water at late evening when it was less hot. But not for this woman, who was well known for her adulterous life. Shameful of herself, she thus went at noon when no one was by the well. But when she went there, Jesus was already waiting for her.
“God already know about your needs before you ask!” said Rev. Muthu.
He shared about a religious monk of another faith at 72 years old who was paralyzed from hip onwards. People would go to him to ask for a healing talisman to burn and drink. But his daughter was a born-again believer. With no other ways, the monk knew that Jesus could help him.

“That’s why we must tell people that Jesus is alive today!” said Rev.Muthu.
He visited the monk and a light flicked in his eyes when he saw Rev. The monk testified that although hundreds of people came to him for healing, he could not heal himself.
“Do you believe that Jesus can heal you?” asked Rev., to which the monk responded, “Yes! I believe Jesus can do that for me!”
Five people including Rev. Muthu and his daughter prayed for him. After singing two worship songs, the presence of the Lord was so powerful that he began to feel heat going through his legs. They lifted him by his arm and he miraculously stood up! Hallelujah!

“Jesus is the same, yesterday today and forever! If we lift our hands to worship Him, he would come to you!” said Rev. Muthu.
Jesus told the woman at the well that she could have the living water that she thirsted for. When the spirit of God comes upon you, all your thirst would be quenched!
Rev. shared about another story in India, where he was trying to reach out to the villagers. The Christians there were having a service in the church when almost 180 villagers burst into the doors, each carrying a bucket of water shouting, “We are here to save you! We saw that the church building was on fire!”Shocked with the news, everyone ran out and they saw the church was truly on fire but it was not consumed. Hallelujah! The villagers knew that God was protecting the church and they came to believe in Jesus and were saved!

Exodus 3:2
2 There the angel of the Lord appeared to him in flames of fire from within a bush. Moses saw that though the bush was on fire it did not burn up.
“If I tell you what the Lord is doing in the last days, you would be blown away,” said Rev. “This is the greatest gift we can give to the people.”

Jesus passed by a marketplace with a paralyzed man who waited for 38 yearsto be healed. Jesus came straight to the man and asked him if he wanted to be healed.
John 5:7
7“Sir,” the invalid replied, “I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. While I am trying to get in, someone else goes down ahead of me.”
“No one told him who’s Jesus, that Jesus knows him and love him,” said Rev. “But Jesus commanded him to pick up his mat and walk. And he did! Jesus did not only touch him but everyone in the market too. If you allow Him to touch you, you don’t know what he can do through you.”

He also recalled his missionary trip in Tapah to the orang asli. But there was this clairvoyant who would cast a spell on everyone who came to the Christian meeting. This man’s son and daughter incidentally accepted Christ. And he also fell very ill with no cure that three men carried him upon his request to Rev. Muthu.. And praise the Lord! He was healed too! And today, he is a Christian leader in Tapah!

“God wants His people to partake in the revival. Sometimes, we go through problems and situations, thinking that he has forgotten us. But Jesus never forgot or left us,” said Rev. “He wants to touch you today! He wants to make each and everyone of you a mighty vessel for Him!”
And, in closing, Susana and her lovely daughters sang with their angelic voices.

“He has a special plan and a blueprint from Heaven for you. The enemy cannot take away the plan,” said Rev. “I want you to ask God what He wants you to do.”
Rev. Muthu closed the prayer meeting with an anointed prayer for everyone in the room, words of encouragement and words of prophecy! Next, Jonathan Tan and Yesudas closed the meeting in prayer and a word of thanks for the attendees.

For those of us who are in Sentul, may God raise us to build God’s presence in Sentul Raya through the FGB. Let us all now lift our voices in prayer for God to raise His people to share the gospel. May His name be praised forever! PRAY FOR REVIVAL !
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References for pictures:
Where is the address of the Full Gospel Businessman fellowship in sentul raya and Batu Caves. Location Please!