27 July 2013-
Dear Brothers and Sisters-in-Christ,
Thank you for coming together as ONE body in Christ! We have exceeded 100,000 Facebook followers since we first started this online portal for Christian-related news in September 2012.
Many people have asked, “Why did you start Christianity Malaysia?” It appeared that it was our plan, our marketing strategy, our brains, our tenacity, our might and our strength. But the truth is we started Christianity Malaysia because it was God’s plan.
He had a plan. We trusted and obeyed Him. So, in His wisdom, He set the stilts that hold up the website, drawing people across man-made walls in a wall-less cyberspace.
If the Lord is the Lord of all, then He should be the Lord of the Cyberspace as well.
Before God sent the flood, He asked Noah to build the boat. Before He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, He told Abraham about His plan. Before He sent Moses to Egypt, He already had a plan to rescue His people from the Pharaoh’s grip. Before Saul (later called Paul) became blind and spoke the gospel to the Gentiles, God was already planning to offer salvation to the nations.
You see… God already has His Plan and He has always been working since the day we fall (John 5:17). As the Great Story of The Lord unfolds, He is there in the first page as well as the last page (Rev 22:13). And we as His Beloved children are woven intricately in His Story to achieve His grand purpose (Proverbs 16:9).
Do we have the knowledge and skills to start this website? The answer is none of us were qualified. What we had were just a willing heart and trust that the Lord would lead. You don’t need to be a professional writer to tell the story of God in your life (although we respect and honor people who write professionally). But the point is that we appreciate your life story.
Like the stories of the people in the Bible, your story matters as well in the Great Book of God. Remember that He numbers your days (Psalm 139:16), records your sorrows and tears (Psalm 56:8), knows when you rise or sit, and perceives every thought in your head (Psalm 139:2).
As the Lord holds His pen, would you let Him write your story today in His ink of Love? He loves you. And Christianity Malaysia is a place where letter upon letter is written to proclaim in different ways His Love, His Honor, His Faithfulness, His Justice, His Mercy and Him being just here with us.
Brothers and sisters, may your light shine before men. All of us hold a candle of salvation. However, the tragedy is when we don’t light up our candles to bring light in this world of darkness. Shall we keep our light just to warm ourselves for our comfort? No, this light should be lit up and shine forth to show men where to go (Luke 8:16).
“Here is The Way,” we say.
And the Lord Jesus says, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me (John 14:6).”
Therefore, my friends… Share the Good News… Share YOUR Good News!
We also like to thank all our regular article contributors; Dr Lim Poh Ann, Steven Kau, Joseph Tan, Stewart Chew, Tony Dibble, Simon Yap, Kelvin Lim, and also other individuals who had given their time and effort to build of this website, namely Ezra Chim and James Hoh.
And lastly, brothers and sisters, the God we believe and worship today is the very same God who says, ‘“Let there be light,” and there was light (Gen 1:3).’ He is the same God who breathed life into Adam and created man. He is the same God who parted the Red Sea and delivered His people. And now, this very same God lives in us through Jesus Christ, for he is the same yesterday, today and forever (Heb 13:8)!
Signing off with love,
Robin Piong, Joycelyn Loh, Adeline Lum, Donna Uning, Natasha Kim, Mindy Oon, Timothy Tai, Simone Chim
Reference for pictures:
Brothers and Sisters,
Thank you for starting this site and to share God's wonderful work in our lives and those whose lives have been touched and transformed through this media.
I just want to offer my little prayers that more lives are touched, blessed and become vehicles of His love and work on Golgotha through ChristianityMalaysia.
God bless.
Roger J. Duyong (by the way this is my real name…)
Hello Roro Fish,
Thank you for your prayers! Prayers are so powerful and we thank you brother for your remembering us. May the Lord use this online portal mightily to proclaim His love and glory.
Adeline Lum
Dear Beloved Brothers and sister in Jesus
Greetings to you in Jesus name from india
iam ap babu evenglist serving for the LORD past 15 y amoung the trible and hill are people in india
brother or sister iam visting to your country this month nexy sunday that 13 octember 2013 to one month if LORds will i would like to meet you like my minded people ( LORDS servents or evenglist or pastors intrested Belivers any one ) could you please guide me and help me to see some belivers in ur country for the Fellowship (In Jesus )
please pray for me and my trip and ministry please contact me
by email india5060@gmail.com
Thank you
Hope to hear from you God fearing people from malaysia please….
In His services
A>P Babu
from india