Bible Reliable? Unique in its Fulfillment (Part 3 of 6)


4 May 2013 by Joseph Tan-


Throughout the New Testament, the apostles appealed to two areas of the life of Jesus of Nazareth to establish his messiahship. One was the resurrection and the other was fulfilled messianic prophecy. The Old Testament, written over a one-thousand year period, contains nearly three hundred references to the coming Messiah. Surely the fulfillment of all these prophecies in the one life of Jesus Christ is certainly worth considering!



In this week's Answers Video, you will see the fulfillment of 61 major messianic prophecies and observe the mathematical possibility of having 8 of these prophecies fulfilled by one person in his lifetime. Coupled with the fact that all of the Old Testament was completed in 450 B.C. – there is at least a 450 year gap between prophecy and fulfillment. When someone speculates that the Biblical prophecies were written after the events has not done his scholarly homework.




The Bible stands alone among all other books. It is unique. It is divinely inspired.


Watch this video by Joseph Tan below!

For more info, consider purchasing (free shipping) Josh McDowell's "Evidence that Demands a Verdict" :…


Note: Joseph Tan is the founder and consultant of Good Monday Consulting, whose mission is to resolve conflict and reduce stress at work, at home and in life by focusing on the root cause of character and developing core strengths. You can contact him at


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References for pictures:×400-FitWidth/Images/bible-sunset-2.jpg

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